Ex-Okay feeds new eclectic energy to the Metal genre with their hardcore musical projects | aaaDaily Music Roll

Ex-Okay feeds new eclectic energy to the Metal genre with their hardcore musical projects

ARock band from Salt Lake City, Utah that is working its way up to fame with clean melodic compositions is Ex-Okay. The creative and talented force behind this high-quality band is one of the major reasons behind the success and it seems that the group is in no mood to slow down. They precisely know their intentions and ensure to give a taste of their exclusive musical taste to the audience. It’s amazing how the band pulls off some of the most complex subjects without sounding hard. Few examples of songs that highlight their stunning craftsmanship are ‘Memories’, ‘Locked’, ‘Honestly’, and ‘Illusions Fade. No two songs are similar and the audience gets to ride in a roller-coaster while tuning into their playlist.

Recently our team had the opportunity to share a short conversation with the band and the members were quite keen on taking us through their journey so far. Read below to know more:

Q.  Hello, we are certainly blessed to interview such an incredible band, how has your journey been so far?

Ex-OkayOur journey has had ups and downs and has been a ton of fun.

Q. Well, congrats on your success, how do you feel about it, and for how long have you been making music?

Ex-OkayIt depends on what member you ask? but some of us have over 18 years of experience either in playing shows or studio time. Or vocal training, music theory. We feel that we have barely scratched the surface in our success and we are excited about the near future.

Q. Your music is a culmination of multiple elements, is it a part of your musical plan or is it something that happens randomly?

Ex-OkayWe plan around the song we don’t just stick to a basic formula. sometimes things can be written on the spot.

Q. Given your heavy sound projects, how do you all get that sound?

Ex-Okay: Well there are many reasons we get the darker tones it can be from tuning, the Key of the song, or the compressors we use.

Q. Any plans of going live in the future?

Ex-OkayWe planned on touring in 2020 then covid prevented us from doing that.

Q. What can your fans expect in the coming months?

Ex-OkayEaster eggs, who we are working with, how different this record will be. They will have no idea what is to come.

Q. Your songs always have a powerful setup; do you all comply with the same thing?

Ex-Okay Yes, but there is also push back to push the boundaries of our music.

Q. How do you believe your music is distinctive from the others?

Ex-Okay Recording in studios like N.R.G, working with Brian Tichy, Joe Haze, and many more that cannot be mentioned at this time.

Q. What remains the main inspiration behind your music?

Ex-OkayThat if one true fan loves it and it helps them in a tough spot in their own individual life.

Q. What or who inspired you to perform this way?

Ex-OkayFrom Freddie Mercury to Michael Jackson.

Q. What’s the best moment you’ve had as a band so far?

Ex-OkayDefinitely recording at N.R.G has opened our eyes and hearts to where we are where we’re going.

Q. Would you like to share any special messages with your fans?

Ex-OkayThank you for being patient we will see you all soon. Also one more thing this next record will be life.