'Heart of a Lion' by Arkadian Fires in the Hip-hop Scene With his Highly Motivational Rap | aaaDaily Music Roll

‘Heart of a Lion’ by Arkadian Fires in the Hip-hop Scene With his Highly Motivational Rap

Bringing the taste of authentic hip-hop music, the song Heart of a Lion inclines to motivate and inspire all its listeners. The success of the song is now evident and omnipresent. Moreover, the energized rhythmic speeches of the artist Arkadian are undeniably the key factor behind the success of the song. Let’s hear from the New York Rapper, how he actually sees the success-


Q. Congratulations Arkadian for your success. The song ‘Heart of a Lion’ has already made buzz on music platforms. It has got acclamations from the music artists worldwide.  How does it feel?

Ans. Well I want to say thank you very much for starters. I’m Humble because that the type of person I am to get that Buzz that what I am aiming for I pray everyday and I put GOD first in everything I do.

Q. The song is a very powerful one. It is motivational and impressive. How did you come up to make the song?

Ans. Well every song I write about its based on my life its chapters so people can understand what I’m going through Or went through because you’ll never know other that’s is going through the same thing and can relate to me.

Q. Will you share with us any interesting incident happened during its making?

Ans.  When I write my lyrics everything is a Incident because I reflect on my come up with family, friends, the people that I lost on the way coming up. So everything is incident that I can’t shake but to embrace as part of my life.

Q. What inspires you to write such impactful lyrics?

Ans. You every hear the saying never judge someone else because you never know what the next person is going through in life well my thing is I don’t like being judge because I’m one of the nicest down to earth person you can meet give the shirt off my back to make sure you good. So pretty much, my lyrics come from the Heart that why I write with such Impactful lyrics.

Q. Why did you choose hip-hop music? What inspired you to be a part of it?

Ans. I picked hiphop because you as a artist your telling a story that real you painting a picture so the whole world can understand what’s going on with life or your area. I love it because everyone have a story to tell its how you tell it. Some people do it through Movies , or really painting a portrait, or singing to rapping.

Q. Is there any particular that inspires you in life and composing songs?

Ans. What inspires me is everything my pass because your pass is what make your stronger person.

Q. What are your views about the hip-hop industry?

Ans. I love the industry meaning your Viking and networking with others like you but what I don’t like about it. Instead of showing the up and coming artist and educating the artist about how to build or invest in or to teach him about the business side of the aspect of the house. To me they watch you fail so you would have to own that money back that is why everything I do its out of pocket I invest in to my self.

Q. Is there any aspiration project which you want to disclose to your fans?

Ans. Well I’m glad you asked that question I’m working on a movie about my life that is coming out 2023 its based on my lifeOn what I been through seeing my dad passed away at a young age, then my son, and my daughter being raped and me being in the U.S.Army and shooting the mother husband and almost killing him yeah I got into trouble with the law but a judge grant me to return back to the U.S.Army because I was trying to protect my daughter so I have no criminal record I have my degrees in criminal justice plus me getting shot and blown up in Afghanistan while on patrol. The movie is called still standing because I never turn to drugs. Everything I put GOD in it.

Q. How do you see the future of hip-hop music?

Ans. I see it really going big and progressing because a lot of people like my music but I’m Unique when it comes to writing my music I’m not stuck in one lane I can make just about any type of rhyme I want.

Q. What’s your next move?

Ans. Well I’m doing a lot of radio shows and interviews and at the same time I’m just promoting music and traveling around pushing it out there for the world to hear.

Q. Is there any advice you want to give to the other newcomer music artists?

Ans. Never give up do this with yr full heart and grind Hard less sleep because rich people don’t sleep 8 hrs its less because they going hard for what the believe in.

Q. Is there any message you want to leave for your fans?

Ans. Follow me and enjoy the music and please reach out to me I love Vibing with you guess I’m human too. Love you guys and tell me things I like to hear from you guys where should I come out and shoot videos and stuff and more. Put god first in everything you do never give up the fight.

To know more about Arkadian, please visit his social media links: