Singer, songwriter, field Licensed practical nurse, mother of two, and a dedicated follower and believer of the Lord Janepel has released a new song and its official music video called ‘He’s Warming’. The sheer belief in the Lord and the clear love and passion for the gospel are intertwined beautifully in the new musical track. The video has great visual appeal due to the vibrant color scheme and the main attraction is none other than the beautiful and magnetic voice of the beautiful singer Janepel. The heart-touching story of Jacob is described in the new song ‘He’s Warming’ where she encourages the audience to never give up on the Lord even when it seems like He is not seeing the struggle. He is just warming up to pave the way to overcome the obstacles. We had the opportunity to talk to this eminent artist about her new track and her musical journey and there is what we found-
DMR: Hello Janepel, first of all, congratulations on creating such an amazing track. What is your response to the overwhelming reaction of your fans to the track?
Janepel: Hello thanks for having me,and yes such a privilege to have made such a song and am very blessed to have all family and friends support.
DMR: The influence of the Lord is clear but what made you create a track specifically focused on Jacob?
Janepel: First of all, the foundation of the Seed on the Jacob story dropped in my spirit when I heard my General overseer(that is the head pastor in my church) preaching on Jacob story and how he ran from his own blood brother that until most of us face our Esau and stop running we can’t discover the greatness within us, all we need is an encounter from the Lord. Then in a choir rehearsal one day as I worked with one of my choir master back then in nigeria and we dwelled on the word of how Jacob came into the realization of ‘eh surely the Lord is in this place’ and we just freestyled on the piano and as I got home I stayed on that scripture meditating on it more and funny enough my church home Bible theme backdrop worldwide on their alter platform was same scripture so it was easy for me to be motivated to create such a masterpiece that everyone can resonate with and be encouraged by that no matter how much they have waited on God they should never think he won’t show up for them, he is just warming up to show forth!
DMR: Have you ever been in a situation where you thought the Lord was not with you anymore?
Janepel: Lovely question! I must say as a Christian still growing in faith daily there will always be times it seems so but it’s left for us not to throw in the towel and believe the word of God that say he will always be with us and not forsake us, he will always take us up even when our father and mother forsake us, reminding myself of his promises that he is the stay of my hand. Is it in our relationship, finances, ministry whatever area it is, for example in the second verse of my song I asked the audience ‘oh my brother what is your fear, oh my sister what is your pain just tell it, somebody tell it, tell it to God..’ it reminds me of the many coulda-been-woulda-been of my past relationships and my fear of will I meet the one, I was a 28year old virgin at the time and many weird suitors has come and gone that has asked for my hand in marriage lol and I was still waiting on God it was the last breakup that really got me crying like where are you Heavenly Father?
DMR: If so, how was your faith restored?
Janepel: So I did what I suggested in my song in the second verse which is ‘Just tell it somebody tell it tell it to God, surely the Lord is in this place’ haha! Yea so I prayed and kept trusting. I already had a revelation and the will of God for me had actually already been in my life all along and I didn’t even know it just like Jacob who exclaimed surely the Lord is in this place and I knew it not. So it happened have already met my husband and now father of my kids since nigeria before I even came to America and we reconnected in God timing. Funny story is while we met many years back as friend we didn’t know we was gonna meet backup in America in future or even actually be each other future partners lol, but there was always something drawing us closer to each other funny enough. Anyway go listen to my song guys lol 😅
DMR: Since when did you start to engage yourself in music?
Janepel: I have been singing since my teenage years, always been in the choir all my life, but back in high school I and my girlfriends used to compose love songs at first lol am sure many of us have had that encounter when you crush on someone and get inspired by it 😂 and write songs like ‘oh you are the sugar in my tea, the butter in my bread’! Oh lord I can’t it’s even funny remembering those days now lol anyways so as I got to know the Lord more and his word better the gift of composition started flowing naturally and I must say none of my family was ever into jazz music like that growing up, never did I hear my dad playing jazz so it definitely can only be God who put the love in my heart and tunes. Sometimes I could listen to a preacher preach and get inspired or go through something or get a melody from a sound in my day to day activities and I pen it down literally.
DMR: After ‘He’s Warming’, what do you plan on focusing a track next?
Janepel: Have written a lot of songs that am trusting God to guide and bless me to put out and they are of different genres from Jazz to afrobeat, slow rock, deliverance songs or other contemporary inspirational songs. My next song will be more personal and like happy encouraging vibe to encourage us to get up and try again.
DMR: To the audience who are not particularly believers of the Lord but still love your magical voice; what would you like to say to them?
Janepel: I would love to say thank you so much for sticking around with little ole me, I appreciate you and love you big! I just hope in anyway I at-least motivate and encourage you to rise up, get up, smile, breathe and smell the roses, because life is definitely worth living. Whatever it is we are all running from or running towards with God we can.
DMR: Has becoming a star changed your normal life and if so then how do you deal with it?
Janepel: Well I would not refer to myself as that yet lol I have a long way to go, I’ll leave you with this scripture in Philippians 3:13 ‘ I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead.’
DMR: Are you currently working on some new projects that you are excited about?
Janepel: Yes and as I mentioned earlier a little, for now am just looking forward to shooting more music videos for my already released tracks. Pls go stream it and check them out on all streaming platforms.
DMR: We all face ups and downs in life, you may have too. Can you tell us about any incidents that made you think music is not the way to go?
Janepel: Music has always been my heart desire and string to my soul never have I ever thought it’s not the way to go. If I don’t even make any money am still happy doing it as long as I still have a lil voice to inspire someone am fulfilled.
DMR: How are your children reacting to their mother being a global star?
Janepel: Again let’s relax on the global star part pls we gan get there in Jesus name for sure but yea my kids love my sound and it makes my heart merry whenever I see my toddler jumping up and down singing my original song am like Awwn. Then she looks at me and say mummy you are beautiful and I love your song🥰. All glory to God.
DMR: Any words of wisdom for the upcoming musicians who want to make it into the ruthless music industry?
Janepel: Take it one day at a time, put God first and be consistent. You are the only one that can believe in yourself like no other. So arise and put songs out that’s the starting point. Cheers.
Thank you so much for letting us pick your brain on this one. All the very best for your upcoming projects and tracks.
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