Justin Turk has been creating compelling songs which paved his path to Century Music Group | Daily Music Roll

Justin Turk has been creating compelling songs which paved his path to Century Music Group

Justin Turk has been making music that is compassionate, free-flowing, and organic. He has shown interest in those topics that have a wide range of emotions. His songs are gripping, nostalgic, and supremely arranged. His career is on the verge of flying high and steadily with his ambitious songs that the potential as well.

Hey Justin Turk, best wishes for your coming song ‘Just In Time’ with Century Music Group. After witnessing your previous song it is evident that this album is going to be very much dipped in soothing humane feelings that you convey fluently and flawlessly.

Justin Turk

DMR: Firstly which name would you like to promote and where are you from?

Justin Turk: Justin Turk is the name and I was born and raised in New Jersey and just currently moved to Florida.

DMR: How old were you when you thought that music is the thing you want to pursue as a career?

Justin Turk: I was probably about 6 years old when I knew that this was what I wanted to do. As a child, I would play my cassette tapes on my Walkman player. I’d pause them and rewind them trying to learn all the words. I also made my own poetry books out of scrap paper. The band “Hanson” hit the charts when I was about 7 or 8 years old. Seeing young kids around my age playing music was an eye-opener for me. I always thought if they could do then so could I. From there I would sing and perform Kareoke at family parties or restaurants that my parents would take me to. When I was 12 my dad got me my first guitar from there I started my first band and at the age of 14 I already released multiple demos. I released my first full-length record when I was 16 with a band called Render Me Useless. I then released my first solo record in 2011.

DMR: Who or what was the inspiration behind, that triggered your passion for music?

Justin Turk: I’m not sure where the inspiration came from. It was always just a part of me. My parents are big-time music lovers. Neither of them is a musician but I guess their love for music rubbed off on me. They have always been huge supporters in my music career. Having that kind of support from your parents can be a huge inspiration.

DMR: Can you share some memories that you have that are associated with this Album ‘Just in Time’?

Justin Turk: My son was born in 2019 right around the time I signed with Century Music Group. I had to write songs for the new EP but the only time I got the chance was when I put him down for a nap. Even then I would have to play really low so that I wouldn’t wake him up. I have so many demos of these songs with him crying in the background because I woke him up from his nap. I have pictures of him in my guitar case watching me play.

DMR: Tell us more about the genres that you follow? Or are you willing to try and make songs from other genres which you haven’t tried yet?

Justin Turk: I don’t really follow a genre. The songs just kind of end up in the genre that they are. I’m not a country fan and as much as I try not to be country my songs always end up having country elements to them.  It’s just how I write my songs. I am very versatile though. I emerged from the hard rock music scene of New Jersey. I use to headbang and scream into a microphone. I’ve made pop songs and worked with rappers in the past as well. Fans expect a certain sound though and although I can write songs in any genre I still need to maintain that brand.

DMR: Apart from Century Music groups with whom you have worked before?

Justin Turk: I use to be a featured artist for Conquer Entertainment. I also worked with celebrity vocal coach “Cari Cole” in one of her artist development programs.

DMR: Tell us about the songs of this album what inspired you to make these beautiful numbers?

Justin Turk: In 2017 I had a life-changing experience at a native American church where they worked with a Sacrament called ayahuasca. This really opened my eyes and allowed me to see life in a new way. I became more mindful of my thoughts and actions.  I switched to a vegan diet and started focusing on my health. I developed morals for a better way of life. This carried over to my songwriting. I started to write more inspirational, positive, and uplifting lyrics.

DMR: According to you which one is the best song that you have composed in your career by far and why? 

Justin Turk: My personal favorite is “There’s no Use in Complaining” the song is a lot of fun and it came out exactly how I imagined it would. I think the best out of the four would be Passion. The song has strong lyrics and it really expresses the message that I am trying to get out there.

DMR: What triggered you to leave performing with bands and you started performing solo?

Justin Turk: I honestly just got sick of being the only one in the band that did all the work. I wrote the lyrics, I came up with the arrangements, I scheduled the rehearsals, I scheduled studio time, I booked all the gigs, I promoted the gigs, I invested the most time and money out of anyone in the group.  I was tired of having to hound other band members to show up on time or to help sell tickets. The biggest challenge was maintaining band members. It’s much easier when the band works for you opposed to trying to work with the band. Especially when the band expects you to carry all the weight.  I tried joining other groups but I had similar issues. It just made sense to go solo.

DMR: What are your views on the other musician who is making songs in the same genre as you are, Pop Rock Folk?

Justin Turk: I think pop-folk is really starting to make a comeback. Especially with artists like The Lumineers who are really just crushing the charts and creating a buzz for the genre in the ears of the mainstream.  I love how personal the genre is. Anyone can really tune in and relate to the songs.

DMR: What’s next we should expect from you in future singles solos, more albums, or collaborations? 

Justin Turk: Well hopefully things go well. I’m getting older and the industry is getting harder. Like the flip of a coin, this EP will either be my ticket to a more sustainable career or it will be my last hoorah.

DMR: What do you want to say to your listeners and fans that are following your music with utmost interest?

Justin Turk: To stay humble and be kind. Follow your dreams and don’t be afraid to take chances.