Kevin C. Browne Back With His New Album 'The Autumn Daze Of Life' | aaaDaily Music Roll

Kevin C. Browne Back With His New Album ‘The Autumn Daze Of Life’

The prolific musician Kevin C. Browne has once again brought his fans a new gift to cherish the season of autumn of their lives with his newly released album ‘The Autumn Daze Of Life’ with a twist of his own. The album consists of sixteen beautiful songs which are all remixed and remastered at the hand of this eminent musician to give them a more uplifting and pleasant sound. Within just a few days of its release, the album has become a favorite to his fans and recently we got a chance to interview this prolific artist about his latest album. Here is what the artist had to say regarding his album –

Kevin C. Browne

DMR: Hello Kevin C. Browne, first of all, congratulations on creating such a wonderful album. How do you feel after getting so much appreciation for the new album?
Kevin: Hello. First of all I want to say thank you for having me back here. Thanks also for the congrats. It is hard to believe it has been a year now since our last time together for an interview in the October 2023 edition. This is my first full length album. It actually feels great inside when you make that accomplishment.

DMR: What made you think to create an album consisting of these particular tracks?
Kevin: I have up to this point written in these past 2 years made 40+ songs. I just changed to a new Distribution company and we decided along with my management team to go back through my catalogue and use approximately 26 or so of my favorites and best tunes. Then going back into studio rename, remix and remaster. There are mostly subtle changes such as the flow of lyrics, instrumental changes as well as new effects on some. On this album we decided to go with a little bit of a mix with 16 old and newer songs. The rest will be coming out on a 2nd album.

DMR: Which part excites you more, the process of creating an album or the anticipation you feel after releasing the album?
Kevin: That is a very tough question to answer. I just have such a passion for music. I feel the anticipation of wanting it to be heard by as many as possible, I believe that the release has given me such great pleasure.

DMR: What do you aim to achieve through the new album?
Kevin: This project was about hoping to make the works I did before sound better. I know that in the past it has encompassed growing pains. Even George Martin said the same about the Beatles when he first met them the writing was ok, but he had seen they had charisma with a potential to be better. I know I haven’t made professional status even with this recording, but I do feel that compared to 2 years ago I have gotten somewhat better.

DMR: Any special thought that came to you that influenced this album?
Kevin: Just to bring joy and love into the hearts of all that get the opportunity to hear this compilation.

DMR: People are becoming fans of your music. So, how is the stardom treating you?
Kevin: I am very humble to that fact. I am still a small fry in the industry. I have had a few of my fans that mentioned me being a star to them. It is flattering.

DMR: Anything you would like to say to your listeners before they start listening to the new album that can enhance their experience?
Kevin: I do feel most of the 16 songs did get better, even though my skills on these weren’t of the highest capacity because most of them came from my early catalogue of music and I was as they say green. Please keep an open mind.

DMR: In this universe you’re a professional and loved musician, but what do you think you would be in a parallel universe and why?
Kevin: For many years I loved the game of bowling and had made some decent accomplishments.

DMR: Have you ever thought about giving up when you got stuck with a composition? If so, how did you come over that situation?
Kevin: Unfortunately the answer is yes. Even recently, whether it be lyrical, instrumental, arrangement or even production. Sometimes you just take a step back and go to other people that I entrust and ask what their thoughts and suggestions they deem that might work best.

DMR: Any advice for the young-blooded artists who are trying to express their musical talent?
Kevin: If this is your true passion, you can do anything. At times I doubted myself and as humans we all do, even the major artists do. In today’s world of music there are so many applications to help make that dream come true. It comes with hard work, but all worth it.

DMR: Have you ever lost faith or hope and if so, how did you restore that feeling?
Kevin: I have a couple of times. I do believe in the power of prayer to our Lord Jesus.

DMR: In a few words, how would you describe the feeling this new album will make the listeners feel the first time they listen to it?
Kevin: This album is called, The Autumn Daze Of Life. That title reflects the time I am in my life. I am 64 years of age. I have been in music since I was 6 years of age growing up in a musical family. Just a couple of years ago a friend of mine influenced me to use my talent. I decided to start writing my own material. I wish that each person that listens to this album takes something in their life and embraces what I have written. By the way I do have brand new music in the works as we speak. Right now I have 4 new songs. Lol, I did say new. I believe these tunes will be even better than previously done. I want to say thanks again to all my friends, family, fans, Daily Music Roll Magazine, the curators who believe in me, Landr which is my Distribution. I am looking at doing CDs and merchandise. Check out my Website for upcoming news. Have a great holiday season everyone.

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