Kinky Jake has created a rage with the enticing song 'The Bored Boys' from the album 'Crackhead Jerry' | aaaDaily Music Roll

Kinky Jake has created a rage with the enticing song ‘The Bored Boys’ from the album ‘Crackhead Jerry’

Kinky Jake is a fascinating singer who has shown his immaculate class in the genres of rap and hip hop, blues, indie as well as raw and underground. The 19-year-old young prodigy has given a brilliant execution of his artistry in the popular number ‘The Bored Boys’ which is a remarkable song from the album ‘Crackhead Jerry’.

Kinky Jake

The singer is very innovative in the sense that he shot the entire music video for this particular song with a phone. Although, most of his songs are recorded through his home studio, that has got up to the minute facilities. Over the years many legendary musicians have inspired the gifted singer and some of them are Howlin Wolf, David Bowie, and Iggy Pop.

The singer is on a musical spree as he is busy working on his mix rap and has taken blues under his wings. We happen to catch up with the exciting singer who gave us some of his precious time from his hectic schedule. We touched upon various issues throughout the interview and managed to discover an unknown side of the gifted musician. You can check out his songs on major streaming platforms like Soundcloud, Spotify, YouTube, and Apple Music.

Throw some light on the early years of your musical career?

  • I grew up in a musical household. My father had all sorts of instruments lying around, so I started playing drums when I was about 5 with the inspiration to be the next Neil Peart. And the truth be told the game Rock Band was my main source of singing practice. I eventually had to sell my drumset for film school and that’s when I got into rap and playing other instruments like guitar and keyboard more seriously.

Is there any specific genre that you feel comfortable with while making music?

  • I feel comfortable making any genre of music as long as I have fun making it.

Who has been the primary source of inspiration in your life?

  • My Inspiration always changes. When I was around 5 to 10 I was inspired to rock the stage like Sabbath and be as catchy as The Beatles. Then around 10 years old, I started dressing up like all the Seattle guys from the grunge decade. Now it’s currently Iggy Pop, Bowie, and The Velvet Underground. So it’s hard to answer that question accurately but to answer it anyways I would say Jim Carrey was my first-ever source of inspiration in general.

Is there anything that you regret from the past as far as creativity is concerned?

  • No, I don’t regret anything that is part of the journey. A shit song is still a song from my heart or my balls.

Does success bother you because you are so young? Do you feel any kind of burden?

  • I don’t have success. I guess we’ll find out in the next episode.

How do you balance personal and professional life in this hectic world of music with lots of traveling going on?

  • I don’t travel. Imma broke boi.

What are your goals regarding your career because you are only 19 and set sail on such a difficult profession?

  • My goal is to keep making music and to keep having fun with it. And if I make it to the top my goal is to buy a pirate ship and travel the sea with a chimpanzee.

How does the tumultuous situation prevailing in the world find a place in your songs?

  • I write about you and I not about the world.

Any young names in the music industry that you reckon could give a hard time to compete?

  • Uncle Jake and E.D. The DefRohk haunts me in my sleep. I can’t forget about Tosh Posh, I can hear his singing in my head everywhere I go and it destroys my soul.

Does financial success come in the way of artistic pursuit? How do you look at it?

  • I’m still broke.. I won’t know till I know.

Is there anyone in the music scene whom you envy for his extraordinary quality?

  • Zippo Winston is a man from another planet and needs to be heard.

Which is your favorite city in the world where you are raring to go for a live performance?

  • NYC has the right vibes for me and It’s my dream to perform on any stage but I still have some practising to do.