Listen to 'Farak' by the Talented Band Rusty Rickshaw | aaaDaily Music Roll

Listen to ‘Farak’ by the Talented Band Rusty Rickshaw

Rusty Rickshaw, the prolific music band is showcasing its immense talent with a soundtrack like ‘Farak’. The band has recently dropped this piece of music and started winning everyone’s hearts. Their exceptional work is garnering global listeners in no time, which is quite mesmerizing. Recently, we got the chance to have a chat with the band members and this is how it went-


DMR:- Hello, Rusty Rickshaw, congratulations to all of you for such an immense success for ‘Farak’. Did you expect that it would be such a big hit?

Rusty Rickshaw:- We are overwhelmed with the response we got for “Farak.” While we hoped the song would resonate given the times, the response and support we’ve received has exceeded our expectations. It has been a truly humbling experience.

DMR:- What would you like to say after the audience’s responses?

Rusty Rickshaw:- We were feeling a lot of mixed emotions when we wrote the song. We know we had something on our hands that had a solid message, but we wanted to stay away from being preachy. We were hoping that the feelings would translate well when folks hear the song. And oh boy, the love that we have received has made it abundantly clear.

DMR:- How was your experience of making this soundtrack?

Rusty Rickshaw:- It was a challenging journey. We wanted something that would challenge the listener. The song evolved through countless months of experimentation. We made multiple versions of it. But we were not landing the groove that we needed to make it click. But during one of our jams, it all fell in place. We had the opening groove and the riff we needed to back the lyric. The words then just started flowing out of us.

DMR:- From where did you find this innovative concept?

Rusty Rickshaw:- We always wanted to write a song that would challenge hatred, prejudice and division. Look, there is no real difference between us. We all want the same things – good life, friends, family, security, etc. So, what is the point of having destructive mindsets where one has to lose for another to win? Shouldn’t it be a win-win for all of us? Keeping that in mind we thought it would be cool to have a song which is a dialogue between two individuals on opposing sides and one of them inviting the other to live in harmony.

DMR:- Would you like to share your journey of making this song?

Rusty Rickshaw:- Making “Farak” was like piecing together a puzzle. We tossed around ideas, experimented with different sounds, and had countless late nights. It was a crazy ride, but totally worth it.

DMR:- How the making process is different from your other tracks?

Rusty Rickshaw:- For us, the writing process is a very long one. We always start with what the song should sound like with what we have to say eventually. However, for this one, we had a lot to say. So, we had to change the way Sandeep sang this one to make everything fit. The song was also very intense during the verse sections, so we had to make the chorus more hummable to create a contrast and keep the listener engaged.

DMR:-What has inspired you to become a music artist?

Rusty Rickshaw:- We have a lot of shit to say and honestly, we don’t hear good stuff these days. So, we make music that we would love to listen to. And we hope folks like it.

DMR:- You blend two completely different types of music. How do you manage to do so?

Rusty Rickshaw:- We listen to a variety of stuff. Honestly, we get inspired a lot from different kinds of music from all around the globe. We write in Hindi just because we have a natural tendency to rhyme better in it. However, we want the songs to be universally appealing. So we use western progressions and/or  Hindustani raags, mixed with all sorts of contemporary stuff we like.



DMR:- Are you working on any new projects right now?

Rusty Rickshaw:- Absolutely. We right now have 4 more songs in the pipeline.

DMR:- When will we get to listen to your next music creations?

Rusty Rickshaw:- Our next song should be out in a month or so. The rest will follow soon. Our goal is to have 6 songs out by the end of this year for our EP.

DMR:- Are you planning to go on a tour in recent days?

Rusty Rickshaw:- Yes. Performing live is an incredible experience, and we can’t wait to get back on the stage. We are planning an EP release gig in SoCal by the end of the year.

DMR:- Do want to send any message to your fans?

Rusty Rickshaw:- We’re totally stoked by all the love you guys are showing us! Your support means the world and keeps us going. Thanks for supporting indie artists like us.

Thank you for taking out your time for us. And all the very best for your future endeavors.

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