New Music Video 'Bass Hit' Is a Masterpiece with Impressive Rap Lyrics Released By Relentless Hope | aaaDaily Music Roll

New Music Video ‘Bass Hit’ Is a Masterpiece with Impressive Rap Lyrics Released By Relentless Hope


Bass Hit‘ is the brand new music video that has been released by Relentless Hope on their YouTube channel. It is a perfect blend of rap, beats, and music. The choreography was done by the production team ‘Crazy Cravens/No Plan B’ deserves a lot of praise. It is a dream for any hip hop love to come up with a music video of this magnitude and to be very confident while presenting it. Today, we have got a chance to interview the group of the husband-wife duo where we will try to get some insights behind this wonderful production and what exactly went on behind the scenes:

1. Hello good people from Relentless Hope, Congratulations for the release of your latest music video ‘Bass Hit’. We are very happy to see that your music video is receiving so much love and appreciation from all around the globe. There is no doubt that you guys have worked very hard. However, we are here to know about the stuff that went on behind the scenes as you guys were rocking and confident in the video. Tell us how you did manage to make it so perfect?

Ans: We really give the credit to Trey, at 39 Lashes Media. Trey did the work, we just showed up and had fun!

2. The title of the song is ‘Bass Hit’. Can you tell us what is the real significance behind the title for this song?

Ans: We both love music. We also love old-school hip hop. We don’t take ourselves too serious . We are faith based and we love JESUS. So we turned up the bass and gave some praise.

3. Which part of the video was the toughest to execute for you?

Ans: Doing it over and over LOL. , We are getting old.

4. How do you feel after receiving such lovely comments on your video?

Ans: We are very thankful to whom ever gives a view or a listen!!!!


5. What was the contribution of your Label/Production house while producing this video? Were there any difficulties that they faced?

Ans: We are all independent artists so there really was no pressure. I would say, it went pretty smooth.

6. What is the difference between hip-hop and other genres of music according to you and why did you take up this particular genre?

Ans: I am a product of Run DMC and Hank Williams Jr.  Hip hop has always been my top influence because it says something to me. (dough boy) I grew up on listening to country and bass sounds and fun hip hop. Not to mention Christian music.  Jesus has changed both of our lives and  RELENTLESS HOPE, Is what you get.

7. How long did it take you to complete the shooting for this music video?

Ans: We shot it in a couple close locations. I would say all together, about eight hours.

8. What were the hardships that you faced while shooting this music video?

Ans: Heat as well as too much sun. Not enough sun. Normal challenges.

9. What or who is your inspiration if there are any?

Ans: I have so many! Toby Mac is a big one. All these years, he’s still making songs and sharing his faith 

10. Is there any upcoming release that you are planning for?


11. You are an inspiration to many who are trying to come up with such wonderful music videos. What will be your message to hip hop fans around the world?

Ans: There are so many but one off top of my head, would be Toby Mac he’s still making great music. And never sold out on his faith !!

12. What will you like to say to your fans who are watching you here today?

Ans: There is always hope and sometime,s you just got to be relentless with it.

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Together they are awesome watch their video here: