Ryan Whyte Maloney came up with the sassiest rock groove in the song 'I am the one Affirmation Mantra' | aaaDaily Music Roll

Ryan Whyte Maloney came up with the sassiest rock groove in the song ‘I am the one Affirmation Mantra’

A breathtaking number is etched out by the prolific singer Ryan Whyte MaloneyHe has come up with the savvy and gem of a track ‘I am the one Affirmation Mantra’. He is also a prolific songwriter as well as a well-known producer. He recorded the entire track at the up to the minute production house called ‘TruNorth Recording Studio’ based out of Las Vegas.

The track is like a ray of hope for him and everyone else who had gone through depressing times and contemplated ending their lives. The song has given solace to innumerable souls who are going through tough times and rekindled the passion to live a beautiful life. The singer feels that everybody deserves love and should lead their lives happily.

To know more about the artist, the fans can log on to his website and listen to his tracks on all major platforms. We were fortunate enough to speak to the artist and he was candid enough to answer our questions. Here are a few excerpts from the very interesting interview that was given by the prodigious musician.

Ryan Whyte Maloney

Q: What was the initial drive that you had as you took the plunge into the professional music arena?

Answer: As a kid, I was always insecure but I knew that I had something to offer the world musically, and one day I told myself that, and that faith launched my future!

Q: Which is your favorite genre and why are you attracted to it the most?

Answer: The industrial “emo” rock genre was always the most attractive, I always loved the cure and the vulnerability to say whatever your emotions are on clean to heavy cinematic dramatic scenery and soundtrack ideals!

Q: Which facet of song-making excites you the most other than singing and could you put some light on that?

Answer: Well as a kid I found myself knowing the difference between a well-produced song and one that was rushed and not thought out I’ve always been a little bougie about that although I come from punk roots and country roots I’ve always appreciated the extra eye to detail and that is what I love about producing it’s like cooking in the iron chef kitchen all the pressure goes away when I’m behind the desk writing a song because I know that it’s just me breathing. I’m very much too cited like frosted mini wheat you got the side of me that’s the artist that’s on stage that is the music maker and an energy healer, A fully confident singer from years of experience and then on the other side of that is the completely isolated Studio rat that likes to dance in the shadows with no one watching. I think from being in Las Vegas being told what to do and having so much pressure from the casino world it makes me appreciate creating with unlimited rules which are recording to me so being the god in a Sims game.

Q: How did you deal with the problems in your life? Was it on your own or did you received support from your well-wishers?

Answer: I’ve been knocked down the staircase of success more times than I can count however each trip down the right path to life and succeeding has taught me a valuable lesson that I now can put into my musical endeavors Biette an instrument or lyrical content or musically speaking in song form, I have always used music as an outlet to express myself and that is my healing through a song getting it out of me much like an exorcism. Luckily I’ve had people around me to encourage me like my parents & friend’s family.

Q: Are you entirely happy with the way the music industry is functioning? Is it difficult to thrive in such a situation or do you recommend any necessary changes?

Answer: well I am not happy with the music You know in the 80s and 90s you had so much diversity in the musical climate it was OK to have you MTV raps, followed by headbangers ball and 120 minutes. I feel like the record industries got lazy and scared and got used to making fast money and forgetting that they have the responsibility of letting artist grow and make mistakes and learn from them and have them flex to be better MTV and the music industry has taught people to listen with their eyes instead of their ears. Interestingly enough, Now CMT is a leader much like MTV or VH1. I think now more than ever being in a pandemic makes you face the one thing that we are all afraid of facing and that’s time with ourselves! Yes, I said it we spend so much of the day escaping imagination and we re-program our brains Clickbait and nonsense. I think this time in the world‘s life is like a giant time out to reflect and hopefully, a lot of artistic people create and explore what they’re made of.

Q: Who has been your greatest inspiration in life to date? Is it someone close to you or belongs to the music fraternity?

Answer: My dad has always been a big influence his work so hard for his family and has never said a word about it me being human and a dad I can’t say that I have the courage and have been cool like my dad but I try to be every day. Now musically speaking I’ve always loved people like Robert Smith Billy Corgan, David Gilmour, Ours, Vast, Lycia, NIN, Phil Collins I love people that can’t help to be who they are as an artist and luckily you know their names because they fought to be heard, I’m just going day by day and trying to do the same thing.

Q: Did you get goosebumps while you are performing in front of big crowds or you positively use your nervous energy?

Answer: I’d have to say that for me the Vegas reward is in a smaller menu when you’re a few feet from humans I find that you have to earn the respect and you can’t help but to be in close quarters to where you can see their reactions and how the energy flows through the room making a scene and you can tell with every breath and every head turn and eye movement if you’re actually honestly winning over a crowd opposed to a huge concert stage which doesn’t get me wrong I completely I love being in that rockstar moment but I know that it’s all built up anticipations.

Q: Which is your favorite city in the world that excites you the most and you find the crowd very knowledgeable in terms of music?

Answer: well I’m from Michigan and I’d have to say that the Midwest for me is an interesting call honest hub for the appreciation you have this culture that even though a snowstorm will get on their snowmobiles and go to a concert venue even when a car can’t drive on the road that’s dedication and a lot of great music legendary Has came from Detroit or Michigan.

Q: Which musical icon do you revere and love the most and want to meet if you are given a chance to walk back in time?

Answer: wow Kurt Cobain comes to mind I would just love to sit on a bus or a train with that guy and talk to him about music while everyone was learning how to shred in the 80s I think Kurt Cobain took a Salvador Dali mixed with Andy worship approach to songwriting and Made some interestingly ironically commercial music. Although he ended his life I honestly don’t know where the future fit and for Nirvana and vice versa but what is impacted me was learning that you can be abstract and still have the world watch you and understand you for a moment in time.

Q: Are you bothered about the developments that followed after the pandemic hit the entire world or did you come out with some positives from the whole situation?

Answer: Well honestly the pandemic has taught me to appreciate the time to take a step back and breathe and to live life too! Most of the music I’ve ever written was an escape method to my trauma and now being in a Trumatic experience once again is inspiration so I think that’s a good thing. As they say “a docked ship sees no adventures”

Q: What is your favorite pass time and what do you do when you have some time to relax?

Answer: relax is aware and that’s foreign to me all I ever do is dream about the future and who I want to be and I try to take 24 hours of the day to complete that goes there is no day off to me. But if I actually relax then watching Grey’s Anatomy with my kids it’s pretty much a dream moment of making it!

Q: Are you happy with the way things have shaped up in your career or still unsatisfied like a true blue artist? 

Answer: I’m not at the place I thought I was when I was a kid but now knowing everything that I am about and who I want to be I think I’m exactly where the universe wants me and that’s always being appreciative of what I have and how I have time to still spend it and make the right decisions to be happy with where I am! “Only those who see the invisible can accomplish the impossible”

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