T. Bouzi has created quite a rage with the brilliant trap rock number 'Lets Get It' | aaaDaily Music Roll

T. Bouzi has created quite a rage with the brilliant trap rock number ‘Lets Get It’


The gifted singer T. Bouzi has created ripples with his latest trap rock number. He has captivated the audiences with his magnificent number ‘Lets Get It’ which has got an eclectic appeal. We were lucky enough to speak with the Haiti-born artist based out of Brooklyn in New York.

We congratulated the singer on his latest success and his innovative musical skills. He showed a positive gesture and gave us some time for an important interview. We were privileged to take his interview and asked some questions about his personal and professional life.

  • What was the initial drive that made you take the plunge into the music scene?

My initial drive for plunging into the music scene was to bring people joy. I grew up around a lot of music & where I’m from people often use music to escape their reality. I also started making music to escape my reality. I enjoy telling a great story & expressing how I fell on the track. & the beauty of making music is that somewhere in this world there’s someone who could relate to the words & the feelings that I’m expressing through my music. So I guess u could say that I plunged into the music scene to make people “Feel” & “React”.

  • What is your favorite genre other than trap rock and can you elaborate on that?

My favorite genres of music are hip hop & R&B. Growing up that’s what all my older cousins & brothers were listening too & I looked up to them when I was growing up. When I was younger I remember I used to sing all the lyrics in the back seat & they were always shocked cause I was super young & the lyrics were too explicit & way ahead of my time.

  • Do you have any icon in your life from the musical fraternity?

My musical icons 50 cents, Lil Wayne, Jay z, J cole, Kendrick Lamar, Young Thug & Bob Marley.

  • Who among the contemporary musician can give you a run for your money?

…….. Next Question.

  • If you can travel back in time, do you want to meet any musician from yesteryears?

I would love to meet Bob Marley.

  • Do you idol worship any musical legend and want to imitate some of his traits as a musician?

Honestly, I really want to say Young Thug but some people may not consider him as a “Musical Legend” yet… So I’ll say, Bob Marley. & I would love to imitate Bob Marley’s stage presence.

  • What gives you the adrenaline rush to perform live in front of big crowds?

My adrenaline comes from just being alive & being able to share an amazing experience with the fans. I just want to give the people a memory to go home with.

  • Are you happy with the way your career has shaped up or do you regret anything?

This is only the beginning. Ask me the same question in 10 years & ill have a better answer for you.

  • Are you happy with the way the music industry is functioning at this moment?

I’m extremely happy with how the music industry is running at the moment. I feel like the gates are wide open for an upcoming artist like myself.

  • Did your progress in your musical career got hindered by the Covid-19 pandemic?

I wouldn’t really say hindered but it had put a pause on a lot of shows that I had.

  • Which city in the world still gives you goosebumps, as far as live performances are concerned?

So far I only performed in new york & new jersey.

  • Does the volatility of the socio-political scenario of the world find a place in your creativity?
