TaniA Kyllikki's new song 'Remind Me' expresses her desire to be free and confident | aaaDaily Music Roll

TaniA Kyllikki’s new song ‘Remind Me’ expresses her desire to be free and confident

TaniA Kyllikki, a British emerging female vocalist and composer, expresses her genuine feelings in the jubilant pop tune ‘Remind Me with her latest song release, she combats her emotional fragility by turning on her superwoman phenomenon. With her latest single, she is led by her powerful heart to expose the irresistible force of fresh music talent. The quirkiness of the London-based vocalist is accentuated by her inventive descriptive artwork.


TaniA Kyllikki, a contemporary musician, speaks with our interview host about her dazzling sheen of musical skill following the release of her new track.  She is using her charming feminism to criticize the broken system of male dominance in the music business. Here is the complete interview, which will offer her followers a picture of her difficult and growing battle in the music industry.

DMR: Welcome to the interview, and thank you for treating our ears to your latest single, ‘Remind Me’. What prompted you to write such an uplifting song?

Ans: It all started when hitmaker “Ne-Yo” reached out to me and said he would present my next single to the world. Which is available to hear on all my socials… YouTube,  Instagram, Facebook, etc…

Originally, I was meant to release another song with a completely different message behind it. But, there were issues with the music files that would set me back on my release. So, because I didn’t want any more delays and I already advertised a new single release to my fans, I decided to write something completely new. I literally wrote the song and recorded it on the same day. Compared to my other songs that have a more sad deeper meaning behind them. I had a lot of fun with “Remind Me.” It has a chilled R&B vibe that’s great with it being the summertime.

DMR: What is the backstory to the song’s delicious lyrics?

Ans: Being in a long-distance relationship with my Fiancé and music partner Garry D. Hairston who lives in the states and I live in the UK. We haven’t seen each other since before the pandemic hit. This song as the title says is my way of being cheeky and saying… Hey, bae no more talking! It’s been far too long since I felt the passion between us. I need a reminder so, remind me how good it is when we are together. And of course, it’s not just about all the guilty pleasures that are missed. It’s also, just being in each other’s presence in general goofing around, looking in each others eye’s, late-night pillow fights! lol… All these things you take for granted. So, that’s what inspired me to write and release “Remind Me.”

DMR: The song is full of your self-assured womanism with strong themes. When did you discover you needed a voice to show your presence?

Ans: I have a very expressive personality. So, this comes out in my music in all I write sing, and release. With “Remind Me” this is the sexy passionate side of me that is longing to come out again when I see my partner after being apart for so, long. For my fans “Remind Me” gives a message about being sexy and confident enough to express yourself openly about the desires you want and need.

DMR: What did it actually take to go from an underappreciated independent musician to the strongest face of emerging female pop culture?

Ans: Oh WOW … Thank you so, much!!!

Well, the best way to answer would be to say that I never gave up!!! It takes having determination and believing in yourself to stay true to the music you want to release and the message behind it. I also, think it’s very important to stay humble and keep God close. Music is my true love. God gives each and every one of us different gifts. I always knew this is what I was meant to do. My dream was to be able to touch people’s lives through my music. When I have fans from as young as 13 up to the age of 50s, all from different parts of the world, who tell me my songs have helped them get through hard times, that is what I do music for. I was once a little girl who took my mums CDs and got lost in all of Whitney Houston albums,  Mariah Careys albums, Tina Turner, Etta James, Celine Dion, Michael Bolton, Motown, 2pac, TLC, Mary J Blige, Aaliyah, Prince, Boyz2Men, Classical music, Jazz music, just to name a few. I would imagine myself being like them on stage one day. Growing up in a house with limited finances and my mum being a single mother, we couldn’t afford much. So, my hairbrush was my microphone for most of the time growing up. I always tell people that I learned from singing along to the best singers in the world. My talent is given by God. I’ve entered competitions, sang in Church. And I was always writing songs from a very young age. That got me in a lot of trouble in school though, when I wouldn’t focus in class because I had a song in my head! lol… I really was an old soul as a child. My first song to sing was “Etta James – At Last.” When I reached my teens, while my friends were only interested in listening to the most popular current pop music, I was taking my mother’s CDs. I always knew I would have a long road ahead of me filled with many obstacles especially being an independent Artist. But because, music is my true love, the hard work that is needed in this music business is something I already prepared myself for. After all, success is not given to you, it’s is earned. I also had to gain thicker skin and remind myself that self-worth is determined by me. I don’t have to depend on others to tell me who I am because you can’t please everyone. I always prepared myself to be told no! More than yes! In this business. Because there will be people who love me and my music and people who don’t! And I tell myself that’s okay.

DMR: How does the music affect your listeners?

Ans: Based on the response I get in comments from my listeners, they seem pleased with what I present. I have had fans say my voice makes them feel emotional and that my lyrics are relatable for them. That’s what it’s all about! It’s an amazing feeling to be told that.

DMR: What aided you in developing such an avant-garde music concept?

Ans: Music professionals who have worked with me over the years have always told me, I have many layers to me as a singer-songwriter, that I am still yet to explore. My Fiancé and music partner Garry has always encouraged me to think outside the box. He tells me not to be afraid to tap into my creative side. “Remind Me” showcases that.

DMR: How did you find the experience of working with US producers?

Ans: I loved every second of it! I appreciate how I was pushed out of my comfort zone which opened my mind to new sounds. The connection we built together being oceans apart and in the middle of the pandemic, being able to bring our vision for my up and coming to album W.H.Y to reality was simply put AMAZING!!!!!

DMR: Do you have any advice for budding artists who have been anxiously awaiting the release of this interview?

Ans: Stay humble and true to who you are not just as an artist but, you as a person. Keep that fire inside you burning strong and bright. Remember why you wanted to do music in the first place and always be professional in everything you do. Plan everything out well and invest in yourself. After all, it is called the music business for a reason. Be careful though on who you trust in this business, make sure you Investigate people before you sign and agree to anything. Most importantly don’t ever give up! There will be moments of feeling disheartened from some people telling you no! But, if you believe in yourself keep putting the work in you will make it.

DMR: What is the key to your tenacity?

Ans: Music isn’t just what I do, It’s a huge part of what makes me who I am. There really isn’t anything else I could see myself doing. It isn’t an easy industry to break into but, I have a very determined spirit and I know my purpose!

DMR: What are three characteristics that have helped you flourish as a musician in the wide music landscape?


1. I believe I can, I have always had a strong drive and ambition.

2. Maintaining a healthy balanced lifestyle. You can’t have success if you don’t care enough about your mental and physical health.

3. Having resilience! Being an Independent singer-songwriter is like being a tiny fish in the ocean. You really have to learn how to be tough and swim against all the many currents you will face. And be willing to prove yourself against the bigger fish just to be noticed.

DMR: How did you come up with the lovely, emotional album “W.H.Y.”

Ans:  W.H.Y is like me giving my fans a key to open and read the diary of my life. I will be honest, it was a very hard album to write. But, it has helped me to heal from all the abuse and loss I have suffered at different moments in my life. There are also songs that represent strength, finding myself again by letting go of the past and learning to love me enough to never be treated unfairly again. And songs about learning to trust and find new love with my Fiancé Garry.  There are many layers to W.H.Y. One song on the album is about me and Garry sadly losing 5 babies. It’s called “What if…..” W.H.Y has many songs that will be relatable for everyone in one way or another.

DMR: How difficult was the epidemic for you?

Ans: Well the negatives for me is of course not being able to perform. Not seeing my loved ones and especially my Fiancé. My auntie passed away last year after losing her battle with cancer. I was able to talk to her over the phone before she passed but, It broke my heart that I couldn’t give my auntie Fran a hug. It’s these things we take for granted. My album also had to be moved to a later date this year due to the fact I needed longer to recover. I actually ended up getting covid. I was sick for two months. I couldn’t talk or sing without being out of breath. I still have issues with my left lung and being asthmatic has meant it’s taken much longer for me to recover fully. I also had T.I.An aka mini-stroke while I had Covid-19. It was a very scary time for me. I was worried I wouldn’t be able to sing as I did before getting Covid-19. But, through the grace of God, and the many people who prayed for me, I am so, grateful for all their prayers! I am now back doing what I was born to do. What a lot of people may not know is I am high risk because I was born with a lot of health issues. I take chemo weekly for autoimmune illnesses. So, when I say I am determined, I really do mean it! With all the odds against me.

The positives are that my audience on Spotify and YouTube really started to grow at a much faster rate. I think this was due to people being at home more due to the lockdown. This gave people the opportunity to listen to more music. Due to my fanbase growing this also, gave me the opportunity to be invited to join Spotify video conferences with a few major artists and record labels. And I was also, made a YouTube partner in January 2021. My Instagram and Facebook music page has also, grown a much larger fanbase.

I think what we can all agree on, is that getting back to some normalcy is what we all long for. It has and still is, such a heartbreaking time for everyone all over the world. I pray that the whole world can heal and recover fully from this pandemic. And I look forward to being able to go on tour. I do have plans actually to come back to the states again next year to record for my next project and perform. And I’m hoping my partner can travel here around Christmas time this year. We have plans to film a music video for a single that will be taken from the album to release for Valentine 2022. Hopefully, if flights aren’t banned again we can do that.


To check out the song ‘Remind Me’, visit the below link:
