The classy electronic artist L.T BALIKIN has etched out scintillating beats that have got a heck of a pace | aaaDaily Music Roll

The classy electronic artist L.T BALIKIN has etched out scintillating beats that have got a heck of a pace


A mesmerizing show is laid out with incredible finesse by the gifted electronic artist L.T BALIKINHe is coming up with the track ‘FEEL MY WRAITH’ that also features Teddy Gramz and also the instrumental ‘Dj Bit#h’ that has got vocal fragments. The first and the second track is all set to be released on 20th November and 1st December respectively. He will also be coming up with an album titled ‘7 years too late’ in the year 2021 and has created a mouthwatering prospect for his fans.

He has started as a DJ for punk rock in Melbourne at exotic underground clubs and then came back to the country and mixed and played dance music at various night club events. Later on, he shifted base to Adelaide, and has been mixing house music and played at a casino. He then collaborated with one of his friends in the year 2013 and the group was called ‘Running With Bulls’. He then created exquisite dance music and also played old tracks and used the name L.T BALIKIN.

The fans can catch up with the singer by logging on to his Facebook and Instagram handle and listen to his tracks on popular music streaming apps like Soundcloud. We congratulated the artist for his recent success and asked him various questions about his personal and professional life. Here are the excerpts from the interview.


  • Why did you choose electronic music as a genre to pursue your musical career and who inspired you the most?

I chose electronic music as a genre as when I was younger Djing this was a style that I was really into and a style that I would play at the clubs. I was inspired by bands and DJ’s like “The Crystal Method” “Fat Boy Slim” “Chemical Brothers” Lenny Dee ” HoneySmack “

  • Which is your most favorite genre other than electronic music and are you contemplating to diversify into other genres as of now?

I am into a lot of other genres such as punk rock and new wave, as for diversifying into different genres I think electronic music is under a lot of banners so I don’t want to completely typecast.

  • Who has been your favorite musician to date and do you prefer to get some pep talk from that iconic artist?

I have been really into Roosevelt music as for pep talks I don’t talk to him but do follow his live streams and watch his live music.

  • Have you achieved everything in your chequered musical career so far or do you aspire for more in the coming up years to fulfill your dreams?

I am inspired to finish off an album in 2021 as after that I will see how the feedback is and take it from there.

  • Do you feel the nervous energy while performing in front of large crowds and how do you deal with it every time you are on the stage?

No, I don’t feel nervous being in front of crowds, having been a Dj I have become accustomed to being in front of crowds and feeding off their energy while playing.

  • Who is your biggest competition in the world of electronic music and how do chalk out strategies to score a point over that artist?

I don’t consider myself in competition with other artists, I just want to put out music for people to listen to and enjoy and wish good luck to the artists that make it to the top.

  • Which idol from yesteryears has left an indelible impression on your mind and if you can turn back the clock, do you want to meet him?

I have been lucky enough so far to have met many of the artists that inspire me during my time with the music but maybe Tony De Vit would have been a great guy to meet he was responsible for so many great house track, RIP Tony

  • How has the recent year-long pandemic affected you as a musician? Did this break give you time for soul-searching and inspiration?

Yes, it has definitely made me revisit some of the older tracks that I have made and rework them

  • How has the tumultuous socio-political global scenario affected your art? Did those events find a place in your tracks with a conscious effort made by you?

I have also been working on some new tracks and one of them that will be released soon called “Lucid Dream” talks about the pandemic in detail.

  • How do you control the indomitable adrenaline rush while you are performing and channelize it to the best of your abilities?

It’s basically all about the energy of the crowd and being able to feel the vibe on the night.

  • Are you happy with the present trends followed by the music industry or do you suggest any changes for the betterment?

I think that the music industry is completely flooded with music and the smaller musicians are just trying to keep their heads above water while the bigger artists are generating all the big revenue and ruling the stream sites. As for moving forward, I think it’s up to the fans and the people who enjoy music to keep searching for artists and music that inspires you and keep supporting them.

  • What kind of a person you are in real life? Are you a go-getter or do you wait for opportunities with patience and perseverance?

I am definitely a go-getter, I don’t have patience in waiting around for something to happen.