The Talented Musician Kwun Released His Debut Single, 'Supernatural' on October 21st | aaaDaily Music Roll

The Talented Musician Kwun Released His Debut Single, ‘Supernatural’ on October 21st

Music is considered a sacred art in almost every region of the world. Taking up that inspiration, the musician, Kwun has always been a keen lover of mixing spirituality, nature, and music. He has always found a connection between these which has inspired him to become a musician himself. His debut single ‘Supernatural‘ was released on October 21st, where the artist has worked with Mark Prentice, Sam Wheat, and Tony Cousins. The entire theme of the soundscape is about Healing Arts and one’s exploration journey to his own consciousness. The track is heavily influenced by the artist’s real-life experience and emotions. He has always been inspired by the classic songwriting skills of John Lennon and Nick Drake, which is shown in the verses of ‘Supernatural‘. We had a chance to sit with the artist and had a conversation about the release of their debut single. So let’s see what he has to say…


DMR: Hello Kwun, welcome to Daily Music Roll. First of all congratulations on the release of your debut single, ‘Supernatural’. How are you feeling?

Kwun: Hi! Thanks so much! I’m feeling great, thank you for asking! So pleased that the song is finally out there in the world. It’s taken a lot of hard work and an amazing team to get to this point. Feeling exhausted as well, haha, but very happy!

DMR: People are leaving positive responses from all over the world, which is rare to rare with debut singles. What do you have to say about this? Were you confident about this feedback?

Kwun: I’m so happy to hear that! I’m just happy that it’s striking a chord with people. Was I confident about the feedback? I hadn’t really thought about it like that to be honest. I knew it was a good song, but that’s about as far as it went. We were so immersed in the making of it that the focus wasn’t really on the feedback. I’m just happy that people like it.

I guess there’s something very familiar about the music whilst also being new. There’s so much packed into the lyrics and people will hear what they will hear, but as long as it speaks to them on some level, then that’s got to be a good thing.

DMR: It is known that your track, ‘Supernatural’ was recorded at 432 Hz, which is the exact frequency that resonates and harmonizes with nature and the human body. How did the idea come up for something so unique?

Kwun: Well, I’ve been tuning my guitar and playing in 432Hz for years now. It’s basically just a very marginally lower tuning to the standardized 440Hz. And then a few years back I figured out how to tune and record entire projects in 432Hz, into Logic Pro, which is the recording software I use. So, I started recording everything in 432 from that point onwards, and would later ask my session musicians to tune down to 432 also.

I guess I came up with the idea when I first started hearing about how music, tuned to different frequencies, could impact the body, mind etc. in different ways. So I tried it, firstly by tuning recordings of other people’s songs down to 432Hz. And found that I liked it and, unless it was my imagination, it did in fact make a difference quite viscerally to how I felt.

Funny thing is, I use to live in Glastonbury, which is a very alternative town in the UK – and all the musicians there seemed to tune to 432! Ok, maybe not all the musicians, but most of the ones I met and jammed with did. So, it just seemed to be the standard and by that point, it was already my standard.

DMR: As the theme of the track is quite interesting and is completely different from what is usually seen in the industry. Was there ever a moment of the second guess?

Kwun: That’s an interesting question. Yeah, it is different to what is usually seen in the industry for sure.

Did I second guess as to whether I wanted this as my debut single? Yeah, totally! I picked the track partly because I love the lyrics but it’s these same lyrics that were a concern. Not because I doubted the quality or the truth of what was being said, but because I think there’s also a lot of room for misinterpretation in them. So that was where any second guessing came in.

The lyrics describe some very deep universal concepts, and in such a way that’s very packed together. There’s a lot more depth than what might appear on the surface. I’d really have to unpack them line by line to explain the ideas behind all the words. Maybe one day I’ll do that.

And interestingly it’s one of those songs that I didn’t even fully understand myself after I’d written it. Until I unpacked it for myself and really looked at what I’d written.

My next single that I’m taking to radio will be a love song, so it’s much easier to understand haha.

DMR: Was becoming a musician a part of your plan all along?

Kwun: Yes, I guess it always has been. It was always the dream and the only thing that I ever consistently wanted to do. Career-wise I’d done everything from working a corporate job to being a healer. But music was always there in the background, and the call was always there, however much I tried to ignore it and pretend that it wasn’t. So, I answered the call!

I actually wanted to be a singer before I could play any musical instruments, and I learnt to play instruments in order to back myself up to sing. But I’d say, yes, being involved in music was really the only thing I ever wanted to do and very much part of the plan.

DMR: If there was any other way to take a second chance at life, what would you be doing instead of being an artist?

Kwun: This is my second chance at life haha! I’ve been very fortunate. I’ve almost always found the means to do what I’ve wanted and needed to do at the time, be it to travel, record an album or whatever else. I’ve already tried out so many things and so many careers, so having done a lot of other things, this IS my second chance at life! To circle back to the music, to writing and to singing. The things that matter to me the most and holds everything else in place.


DMR: Since this is your debut in the music industry, what are you most excited about in your journey?

Kwun: Oooh, let me think about this…. I’m just excited to see where this all goes. I’m excited to see what possibilities I can expand into…. This is of course all very new to me. Since the single release, everyday there’s been something different to do and to respond to. Like this interview today, for example. So, I’m just excited to see where this all goes and how far I can take things whilst being centred and true to what I want to do.

DMR: Is there anything you would like to give advice on for other artists who are planning on their debuts?

Kwun: Yes, just listen to that inner voice and go for it! Be you! Don’t compromise on your music. Be savvy with the business side of things, do lots of research and find out what works for you. But artistically never compromise yourself to give what you think other people want. Just do what you love and do it well. Build a team. Never give up!

DMR: Which artists have inspired you to become a music artist and work in the industry the most?

Kwun: Oh man, well I listen to such an eclectic mix of music and have so many influences. But there is only one artist I can say inspires me 360 degrees, and that’s John Lennon. I mean I think he just became a fabric of what I do musically from a very early age. At least in the beginning, in my teens when I first started playing. My music has diversified and in most of my recordings now, you won’t hear the Lennon influence at all, but his music and life certainly laid the foundation of what inspired me to write and sing.

‘Supernatural’ was in fact a kind of a tribute to Lennon and the influence I think can be heard to a large extent here. I wrote it a couple of years back. It was at the time that would have been his 80th birthday and I was watching all these tribute documentaries on TV. And he really just inspired me all over again. So, I set out to write something stylistically that was a bit Lennon-esque. It was very deliberate. I think the production I went for in the end makes it sound maybe a little less Lennon-esque, and the lyrics aren’t particularly Lennon, but it was certainly a deliberate tribute to him – to the man who made me want to make music more than anyone else.

DMR: Do you have any dream collaborators with whom we could see a track in the near future?

Kwun: Ooh, I don’t really know. I’ll need to get back to you on that one. Any offers anyone? Haha!

I mean I’ve worked with some amazing session musicians on the forthcoming album, and though I know they’re not featured artists, with an exception on one of the tracks, they were for all intents and purposes, dream collaborators! I mean, these were musicians who’d worked alongside artists like Erykah Badu, India Irie, Johnny Cash, Bruce Springsteen, Mark Ronson, Elvis Costello, Michael Jackson, Hans Zimmer, The Roots, Taylor Swift, Al Green, Norah Jones. I’m shamelessly name-dropping here haha! But, you know, it was a big deal to be working with these musicians who had played on albums, or played alongside artists, that I’d been either listening to for years, or just artists that I have a lot of respect for.

So in a way they were my dream collaborators and people who I never thought I would have the privilege and honour to work with. And people who I’d love to collaborate with more in the future. But any other dream collaborators for the future? I’ll have to let you know. My friend Cornelius, he’s my dream collaborator.

DMR: Any upcoming plans? Is there another single or album on the way?

Kwun: Upcoming plans? Yes, loads! So ‘Supernatural’ is the first single off my debut album, which is called ‘Ancient Ageless & True’. The album comes out in 2023. It’s almost finished now and it’s mostly just the mixing and mastering that needs to be done.

The ‘Supernatural’ video comes out this Friday 28th October. We found out yesterday that we’ve received a nomination for for Best Music Video by the Hong Kong World Film Festival! The video is this beautifully shot panoramic feast for the eyes that we shot in Tulum and Punta Laguna in Mexico. So please go and check that out on YouTube.

And more singles on the way – some will go to radio and others offered as what I’ve learnt are called, ‘instant grats’. These are basically tracks that will be offered for streaming or download before the album is released. I’m just trying to work out at the moment how to do this.

There’s such an eclectic mix of stuff on the album. I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised. Some really nice songs and a few instrumentals as well. The idea is I will introduce the audience gradually to the eclecticism of the album. So I hope you’ll love it!


DMR: Is there anything you would like to say to the fans?

Kwun: Thank you for listening. Thank you for being curious. Thank you for paying my bills.

Thank you for coming on this musical journey with me! I hope in some way big or small the music inspires you and, even if it’s just for a fleeting moment, I hope it helps to make your day better. Music is such a deeply personal thing and becomes the soundtrack to our lives. If my music can inspire and uplift you in even the smallest way, and become something that is personal and meaningful to you, then I am deeply honoured.

Thanks very much for asking such thoughtful and genuinely interesting questions! It was a pleasure to be interviewed!

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