Visi0n has amped up the hip hop quotient with smart rap vocals and excellent vocal delivery in his tracks | aaaDaily Music Roll

Visi0n has amped up the hip hop quotient with smart rap vocals and excellent vocal delivery in his tracks


An eclectic show is laid out with panache by the modern-day hip hop sensation Visi0n. He has come up with exquisite beats of hip hop in his popular numbers ‘Uno Dos Tres-Radio Edit’ and ‘Stay Down’. His real name is Phi’Lip Monroe Miller and was born in Petersburg. He did modeling and acting in NYC and also had a stint with football. His musical journey started at the age of 9 and also served in the army for 5 long years. His tracks have an addictive dash for which he has received a lot of accolades and praises from the fans of hip hop. The thumping beats etched out by the singer zips along at an electrifying pace in the backdrop of heavy electronic sounds. To know more about the singer and his queued up projects, the fans can plug into his Instagram handle. To listen to the cracking beats by the singer, the audiences can log on to popular music streaming apps like Spotify and Apple Music.

We caught up with the singer and congratulated him on his upcoming ventures. We were privileged for the fact that the rap star gave us some time from his hectic schedule for a comprehensive interview that put some light on his glittering career. The interview began on a congratulatory note and here are some of its excerpts.

Daily Music Roll: How it all did start and what prompted you to take the initial drive and take the plunge in the hip hop arena?

Visi0n: when I was around 10 I loved everything the hip hop culture had to offer the different creative ways to express yourself and people feeling it because of the authenticity, also the idea of using a platform to get people to listen and be the voice for those who don’t have one is something to always take pride in.

Daily Music Roll: Are you bug-bitten by any icons from the yesteryear or you got your inspiration from someone you know personally?

Visi0n: Honestly a little bit of both while I give people like Biggie, Jay Z, Lil Wayne their props on influencing me initially people in my life and personal situations are big motivators as well.

Daily Music Roll: Who is the one hip hop musician whom your idol worship and revere the most?

Visi0n: I have two I’d have to say Jay Z first for not only his consistency and drive but also for ing the tone for the rest that it’s bigger than just hip-hop it’s also what we do with our success that really defines who we are and second Lil Wayne for his amazing creativity and consistency throughout his career.

Daily Music Roll: Are you more driven towards name and fame or reaching the acme of creativity is your only goal?

Visi0n: It’s more about creativity and carving my own name in history for me not really doing this for people to say my name but more for them to say how much I was a game-changer and what I was able to accomplish for the people.

Daily Music Roll:  Which is your favorite city in the world that gives you goosebumps while performing on the stage?

Visi0n: There’s no place like home, to know you have the support of where you’re from is always the best feeling.

Daily Music Roll:  Are you more of a loner like most other musicians or you love to stay in groups and have fun?

Visi0n: I’d say loner I do enjoy the company of close friends and family but sometimes it’s good to get away from the craziness and reflect; also it always helps me come up with more content when I’m alone lol.

Daily Music Roll: Do you regret any career move from the past and given an opportunity do you want to change it?

Visi0n: Not really I’m a spiritual person and I know that everything happens in God’s time I had to do what I did and go through things I went through to better prepare me for this moment in my life; everything happens for a reason.

Daily Music Roll:  Does the tumultuous socio-political scenario prevailing in the world find a place in your tracks?

Visi0n: Of course I like to make all kinds of artwork from vibes, motivational, club bangers and I definitely make it a point to discuss issues that bring social awareness, I mean why have a major platform if you not going to use it in its entirety, right.

Daily Music Roll: Are you a go-getter from the start of your career and back your instincts and gut feeling?

Visi0n: Definitely My mama always taught me that nothing is given everything is earned, she also told me to always believe in myself and always trust my gut, that’s God’s way of telling you to wake up and pay attention.

Daily Music Roll: What is your take on the Covid-19 pandemic and has it affected your professional life?

Visi0n: I honestly feel that we all need to maintain safe practices and look after one another I mean we’ve lost so many already due to this pandemic and some were also due to not being safe and that should make us all want to do our part to keep our families and others healthy.

Daily Music Roll:  How do you balance your private and professional life despite your busy schedule?

Visi0n: I try to give 100% to all aspects of my life; I’ve learned that if you give you all you can’t go wrong; so I give my family and work 100% and so far things have been working out and also my family holds no punches so if I slip up they will usually get me back in line lol.

Daily Music Roll:  Who among your contemporaries has got the best qualities as a rapper and is way ahead in the race than others?

Visi0n: Well if we have to go off of whose hot today I’d have to put Drake high on the list due to his consistency creativity and the fact that he has so many different ways to deliver.