Afghan pop star Aryana Sayeed talks about her ordeal in Taliban occupied Afghanistan | aaaDaily Music Roll

Afghan pop star Aryana Sayeed talks about her ordeal in Taliban occupied Afghanistan

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Aryana Sayeed

A pop star from Afghanistan recently fled from her native land due to the Taliban take over. Aryana Sayeed has shared her story with the media saying she felt heartbroken for the people who were left behind. She is also disappointed by the other countries as they let Afghanistan down.

The singer along with her fiancé, Hasib Sayed fled from the country to the USA as a result of the Taliban takeover. She recently shared her experience with Access Hollywood. She also posted some of them on her Instagram.

She described her situation as hopeless. She thought she was going to die in there. And she considers getting out of there a miracle.

As per her, the situation at the airport was chaotic. Thousands of people desperate to leave the country gathered there. She revealed that at one point a woman requested her to take her baby with her. She said that though the mother wanted her to take the baby with her, she couldn’t. She couldn’t separate the baby from the mother. And when the soldiers asked her if the baby was hers, she told them that it was not. She requested them to let the mother and the baby enter the plane otherwise they were going to die. But they declined, saying they could not.

The couple is now safe in Los Angeles. But they are extremely worried about millions of other people who are still stuck back home. She had been able to stay in touch with her family members and friends who are still in Afghanistan. She said that people have no food or shelter and they live in constant fear at the hands of the Taliban

The 36-year-old musician is widely popular in Afghanistan. She boarded on a US military plane from Kabul airport. She said she was lucky as she had a UK passport which helped her to get out. She also commented on the Taliban’s new promises about women’s empowerment. She said she does not trust them and she is sure that they will go back to their old ways soon.

Follow her on Instagram 

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