Living Hell: Taliban have dragged out an Afghani singer and "shot in the head" | aaaDaily Music Roll

Living Hell: Taliban have dragged out an Afghani singer and “shot in the head”

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The Taliban are going to an extent where they are killing innocent artists brutally to stop the voice of the protest, On Friday, they dragged out an Afghani folk singer from his house and killed him mercilessly.

The singer, Fawad Andarabi used to live in a mountain province north of Kabul which is reminding the fearful ruling that happened 20 years ago. The militant group had damaged the whole culture of music in the country.

Jawad, the singer’s son told the press that his father was “shot in the head” on their own family farm. The incident took place in Andarab Valley in the northern Baghlan province.

He further added, “He was innocent, a singer who only was entertaining people.”

Massoud Andarabi, Afghanistan’s former Minister of Interior has publicly expressed his grief and rage about the incident.

He shared a post on Twitter saying, “Taliban’s brutality continues in Andarab. Today they brutally killed folkloric singer, Fawad Andarabi who simply was bringing joy to this valley and its people. As he sang here “our beautiful valley … land of our forefathers …” will not submit to Taliban’s brutality,”.

 The civilians and artists are terrified to death since the black period in Afghanistan have returned which happened from 1996 to 2001. At that time, the Taliban had banned all the music from the country calling it against Islam.

Zabiullah Mujahid, the Taliban spokesman said to The New York Times, “music is forbidden in Islam.” He was asked whether the previous incident will repeat again or not he said that it would be banned again. He further added that the Taliban will “persuade people not to do such things, instead of pressuring them.”

United Nations showed some grave concern with a post on Twitter that stated, “As UN Special Rapporteur on cultural rights, (with) UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador on artistic freedom Deeyah Khan, I express grave concern about reports of the terrible killing of singer #FawadAndarabi. We call on governments to demand the Taliban respect the #humanrights of #artists,”.

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