Image Source: papermag.com
While a mere shot of tequila is enough to make people get in the game, it is not the same for rapper Meghan Thee Stallion. The ‘Hiss’ rapper shared a new TikTok video where she was trying the liquor habushu while visiting Japan. She is currently turning the heads of her followers during the trip to Japan. However dangerous her persona is, or how creative she gets with snakes in her promotional campaign, it is the real deal that the rapper came face to face in the new video. Visiting the country tested her “fear factor” as she sampled habushu, which is a strong liquor, native to Okinawa and is considered a Japanese delicacy.
The Okinawan rice liquor comes with actual and very real coiled pit viper in it. It is also often put down there still alive and then it quickly drowns. Apparently, habusu is a very strong liquor that is powered by poison. It is the local Habu snake that is put in the bottle alive and then it is said to be fermented inside the container. The snake, well the dead snake then made its age as long as possible which makes a single shot feel like one hell of a drink. Meg quickly dove in without giving a second thought. However, she also asked if this drink would sent her directly to the morgue.
“Lol should I show y’all all of the food / drinks I’ve been trying out in Japan? I just haddd to taste this dang snake drink,” the rapper captioned the TikTok video which was posted on Thursday. While trying, she did not back out and was seen taking a sip of the concoction. However, she ended up not liking it too much. The video also captures the rapper in her natural goofy self, where she asked “Is this gonna kill me? He’s looking at me!” before downing the shot. “That’s tough” the WAP rapper added.
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comments of the video. “‘HE LOOKIN AT MEE’ *turns bottle* Me: Uh uh, now he looking at MEEE,” one user wrote. Another follower wrote, “When it was looking aNaturally, her fans were cracking up in the t you it said ‘motherrr.'”
Habusu is made from a local black mold called kōji and Thai rice and there is a venomous pit viper put in the container – also known as Protobothrops Flavoviridis or habu – sitting at the bottom. It is actually an energy and libido-boosting drink that is also sold as a medicine tonic.
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