Nicki Minaj Gets Involved in a Feud with Philadelphia Health Department Over her Viral Covid Vaccine Tweet | aaaDaily Music Roll

Nicki Minaj Gets Involved in a Feud with Philadelphia Health Department Over her Viral Covid Vaccine Tweet

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Daily Music Roll Magazine - Nicki Minaj

Nicki Minaj has once again made headlines with her savage reply to the Philadelphia Public Health Department that has commented on her viral tweet regarding Covid from last year. In the tweet, she had expressed her doubts about the vaccine.

Last year on September 13, the popular rapper talked about Covid vaccines in a series of tweets posted on her account. The tweet series started after a Twitter user said that Minas have not made a public appearance in over a year. She tweeted that she had no nanny for her infant and wondered why people were mad as she did not want to risk his health being seen in public.


She further tweeted that it had been made mandatory to get vaccinated for the Met Gala. She talked about the 2021 Met Gala where it was mandatory to show vaccination proof or Covid negative reports and wear masks all the time except for when people were eating.

She said that she will only get vaccinated once she had done enough research on the matter. She also said that her cousin’s friend from Trinidad became impotent after taking a Covid vaccine. She said that his testicles became swollen after taking the vaccine.

The Philadelphia Public Health Department took a screenshot of her viral tweet and posted it on Twitter with the eyes emoji caption his week. It was to reply to something that Minaj had posted without context on February 16th. The Tweet by the health department said, ‘Nothing like watching someone speak confidently about something they know nothing about.’

Though Minaj has now deleted the tweets, they said that the Philadelphia Public Health Department was posting her tweets for engagement. She further claimed that the department was shaming people who advised others to pray, be comfortable, and not be bullied. She asked her followers if they have ever seen a vaccine cause so much shaming and fear tactics. She even added the hashtag #DoWeHaveAProblem with her tweet.

She replied to a fan who said they were starting to believe in the conspiracy theories after seeing the tweet by the Philadelphia Public Health Department. She sarcastically said that the health department was doing a good job at convincing more people to not get the vaccine that they want them to get. She further wrote, ‘Why TF won’t u just get off MY testicles?’

Her claim about her cousin’s friend’s condition after taking the vaccine had been debunked by Terrence Deyalsingh, the health minister of Trinidad and Tobago. He said that their department has wasted too much time investigating the claim.

In other news, Minaj has shared her new single, ‘Bussin’ this month collaborating with Lil Baby. They collaborated at the beginning of February for her first 2022 release, ‘Do We Have A Problem?’

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