Pop star Sia calls out Shia LaBeouf for 'conning' her into an 'adulterous relationship' | aaaDaily Music Roll

Pop star Sia calls out Shia LaBeouf for ‘conning’ her into an ‘adulterous relationship’

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Iconic pop star Sia has voiced against the toxic relationship that she went through while being with Shia LaBeouf.

The singer has accused him of forcing and conning her into an “adulterous relationship claiming to be single.” She called him “a pathological liar” and further elaborated “I believe he’s very sick and has compassion for him AND his victims.”

Sia’s ending words were “if you love yourself- stay safe, stay away.”

The word ‘victims’ suggests that the 34-year-old actor has abused a lot of women before and the fact seems to be true as Sia defended FKA Twigs for going through similar incidents.

Earlier this week, performer and singer FKA Twigs has also asked for a trial by jury against the ‘dangerous’ man Shia. The news got spread like a fever and created a huge controversy for the actor’s career.

FKA Twigs stated some inhuman and insensible activities by saying, “Shia LaBeouf hurts women. He uses them. He abuses them, both physically and mentally. He is dangerous.”

She further added “For too long, LaBeouf has sought to excuse his reprehensible actions as the eccentricities of a free-thinking ‘artist.’

She claimed that he has been utilizing his popularity and said, “ Even though his history of violent behavior was well-documented, many in the media have treated LaBeouf as a harmless figure of fun, which has helped enable him to perpetuate his cycle of abuse of women over the years”.

Twigs expressed her disgust and said, “There is nothing funny about the exploitation of and battering of women.” Sia supported her by calling out the actor and said about FKA Twigs that “This is very courageous and I’m very proud of you.”

The lawsuit also mentioned that Shia LaBeouf has killed many stray dogs on the streets of Los Angeles in order to achieve his gangster-like ‘mindset’ for his movie ‘The Tax Collector’.

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