R-B Singer Dante Lyriq Interviewed by Petersburg Solution's JaVonni Brustow Thursday, Feb 18th at 12 PM EST | aaaDaily Music Roll

R-B Singer Dante Lyriq Interviewed by Petersburg Solution’s JaVonni Brustow Thursday, Feb 18th at 12 PM EST

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Dante Lyriq


(DailyMusicRole Editorial):- Petersburg, Virginia Feb 18, 2021 (Issuewire.com) – Dante Lyriq is a Richmond, VA native R&B singer that has opened up for Trey Songz, J Holiday, Lloyd, Sammie, Lyfe Jemmings, Kem, and Bow Wow. He’s currently promoting his new single Escape and will be getting interviewed by Petersburg Solution’s JaVonni Brustow, Thursday, February 18th at 12 pm EST to discuss his new project. The interview will be live-streamed on Petersburg Solution’s Twitter, Facebook, and Youtube channel.

JaVonni Brustow is the Principal of VM3 Media that serves as Communications Director for Petersburg Solution interviewing notable members of the community in Central Virginia as well as the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of the celebrity news website PopGlitz.com. Brustow has appeared as a regular guest on Did She Says That with Sonnie Johnson, Sirius XM Patriot Radio, BBC World Service Radio, etc. His site PopGlitz.com has been shown on Bravo’s Real Housewives of Potomac and has been cited with Cosmopolitan, Marie Claire, Heavy.com, etc. and has had recent interviews with Misster Ray of Love & Hip Hop: Hollywood, Mysterious, now known as Misty Blanco from Diddy’s Making the Band, etc.

Petersburg Solution is a platform created out of the need for a more positive representation of the City of Petersburg along with concrete solutions to be offered. The mission is to encourage civic participation to grow the Cockade City economically to enhance the quality of life and to help provide a better portrayal of the city. It’s also one of VM3 Media’s video production platforms to include the Media Mogul News Hour and the PopGlitz Podcast.

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VM3 Media


VM3 Media
VM3 Media is a Virginia based media consulting firm that specializes in communications management, news writing and philanthropy.

Source :VM3 Media

This article was originally published by IssueWire. Read the original article here.

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