Selena Gomez's Latest Work with Benny Blanco, 'Younger And Hotter Than Me' is a Reflection of Her Child-acting Life | aaaDaily Music Roll

Selena Gomez’s Latest Work with Benny Blanco, ‘Younger And Hotter Than Me’ is a Reflection of Her Child-acting Life

The love birds, Selena Gomez and Benny Blanco have come up with a new music video for ‘Younger And Hotter Than Me’ which depicts her life since childhood.
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Selena Gomez’s highly anticipated album with fiancée Benny Blanco has finally arrived and it paid off the months of build-up. ‘I Said I Love You First’ is already out now and it is gaining major attention from the fans. However, what is gaining even more buzz is the official music video for “Younger And Hotter Than Me.”

In this song, Selena Gomez is found to be addressing an ex who tends to move on but not grow up. Watching the music video offers some hidden references to the beginning of Gomez’s acting career which started in her childhood. While it might seem like a reflection of Selena’s own life, it also describes the draining nature of Hollywood that looks for ‘Younger And Hotter’ talents with a continuous process of replacement.

Selena Gomez’s Latest Work with Benny Blanco, ‘Younger And Hotter Than Me’ is a Reflection of Her Child-acting Life
Image Source: interviewmagazine

The music video starts with Selena waking up in a typical appearance along with furniture draped with sheets which offers a reference to her character in ‘Wizards Of Waverly Place’ by creating a similar bedroom. As the OMV continues, the camera pulls back and it shows that Selena is sleeping in an abandoned soundstage with a mothballed set.

It further continues with a scene in the bathroom where Selena meets a younger actress who shows a subtle discomfort of having a hard time and a fairy look with expressions that offer a reference to a “high school musical” essence along with other creative juices.

There are some warm moments when Benny Blanco enters the scene and they share a meal together before Benny heads out for the next big gig. Selene comes back to life for a little while and then quickly goes back to her melancholy which is evident through her face. She goes back to her decommissioned bedroom and the track ends with a lingering effect.

Selena and Benny have done an amazing job in crafting this track that offers a cinematic and poetic experience while offering an essence of their romantic relationship that has matured with understanding.

The song “Younger And Hotter Than Me” offers a fair share of depression and existential crisis which shows the need for mental well-being. With moments of love, it gets easier to deal with it but it stays. The help you get from your partner and others is not nothing, it matters and it is there.

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