The debate on Astroworld tragedy questions- Why did Travis Scott not do what Adele did in her concert? | aaaDaily Music Roll

The debate on Astroworld tragedy questions- Why did Travis Scott not do what Adele did in her concert?

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Rapper Travis Scott is accused of being ignorant about the crowd pushing toward the stage while he was performing on 5th November in his Astroworld music festival, causing 8 casualties and dozens injured.  The Concert was halted by Travis when the situation reached its worst phase. Now the social media storms with questions upon the ethical responsibilities of the two artists and the sheer ignorance of the organizers to the safety of the audiences.


A Texas-based firm Thomas J. Henry Law on Sunday tweeted a story published by the daily mail on the suit, confirming that it had filed a lawsuit against Travis Scott. The complaint was about a 23-year-old concertgoer Kristian Paredes who was one of the people severely injured in the concert.

 Texas-based concert-goer Kristian said that he felt immediate push towards the stage by the crowd which became more “chaotic” and “stampede”. Although they begged the security guards to take some action, they were reluctant until the tragedy happened. The 23 years old said, “Many begged security guards hired by Live Nation Entertainment for help but were ignored.”

As per the complaints goes against both of them, as drake came on the stage alongside Scott he incited the crowd more despite knowing that Travis had already charged up the crowd. The complaint further adds that they continued to perform knowing the situation was getting worse and going out of control.

 After the news broke out everywhere, people showed the outage against the artist. Meanwhile, a clip of an old concert of English songwriter and singer Adele went viral to compare the responsiveness of Travis and Drake with Adele. The clip has been watched over 17.3 million times. The clip shows that Adele stopped his performance as soon as she noticed that someone fainted. In that clip in the middle of the chorus, she suddenly says “Stop, stop, stop — someone’s fainted again. Excuse me, medic, and right in the middle.” She asked for help to the medical team to take care of the matter-“Can you see?” she asks the medical team. “Can someone act like they care, please? Someone’s fainted over there”

 The clip while bringing more appreciation to Adele, at the same time, put them under so many criticisms for being too ignorant about the situation. Moreover, Social media platforms are bashing these two artists as well, questioning their ethical responsibilities towards their audience. Besides the question still comes- why were the organizers too late to take any action?

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