The Supreme Team is Proud to Announce the Release of Say You Want by Kris King | aaaDaily Music Roll

The Supreme Team is Proud to Announce the Release of Say You Want by Kris King

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(DailyMusicRoll Editorial):- College Station, Texas Jun 21, 2021 ( – Kris King is releasing the new track, Say You Want across Europe and America this week with one nagging question: Is Kris King the Nu-King of Nu-Disco? His track certainly begs an answer to the question. If you are not yet baptized in the cool waters of Nu-Disco, you’ve been missing out on a trip inspired by the 70s disco blended with 90s analog synth. “Say You Want” clocks in around 120BMP which makes it particularly chill in the saxophone breaks. The female vox are smooth and soulful reminiscent of early Chaka Khan, the Rufus project, not solo stuff. 

I’ve listened to Say You Want five times and in no way is that a bad thing. I’m hooked on this feeling. A throwback roller rink, head laid back, colored lights glittering through closed eyelids, with a sip of spirits kind of feeling. I want to stay in this aural bliss for a while longer and just melt with it. 

Kris is obviously a talented producer who has crafted quite a stunning track here that creates a pleasing mise-en-scène. If the rest of the catalog is this rich, I think we are in for some Studio 54 level good times. (4 of 5 stars)

When we spoke to Kris, he explained the impetus behind this musical path, “My love of disco and house music has come from first visiting a manchester hot spot called Venus in 2004, from here I discovered a vast array of new and sampled tracks that made people move with such joy and a big smile on their face.”

Kris King Bio:

Kris cut his DJ teeth back in 2007 at clubs across the UK, including Sankeys in Manchester, Curb Crawler in Leeds, and The Egg in London, as well as guest appearances in Australia, Amsterdam’s ADE festival, and Ibiza. Eventually, he started to produce edits of his own tracks and graduated into producing his own music. 2021 is looking to be a breakout year for Kris King with 4 signed tracks and a top 6 in the Traxsource Nu Disco chart.

Contact Kris:

Listen to Say You Want on Spotify: 


Email: [email protected]



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Media Contact
Mick Southerland
106 E. 6th Street, Austin, TX 77801

The Supreme Team
THE SUPREME TEAM is an Austin, Texas based Music Influencer Promotion Agency with a focus on streaming platforms like SoundCloud, Spotify and TikTok.
106 E. 6th Street


Source :SupremePR

This article was originally published by IssueWire. Read the original article here.

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