Feb252022 Rosalía Dropped Exceptionally Quirky Number ‘CHICKEN TERIYAKI’ a Single of The Upcoming Album ‘Motomami’
Feb232022 The Much-Awaited Music Festival ‘Splendour in Nottingham’ Finally Announced to be Held on 23rd and 24th July
Feb222022 Nicki Minaj Gets Involved in a Feud with Philadelphia Health Department Over her Viral Covid Vaccine Tweet
Feb222022 ‘The Girl Behind The Wall’ by Hip-Hop Artist CoaCris Is Creating a Huge Buzz in the Industry
Feb222022 Britney Spears has Signed a 15 Million Dollar Book Deal and is Set to Release a Tell-All Memoir
Feb162022 Alt Rock Heroes Foo Fighters bring an Extremely Ripping and Intense Death Metal ‘March of Insane’
Feb162022 End of an Era – Veteran Singer Sandhya Mukhopadhyay Dies of Heart Attack in Kolkata Hospital; Music Industry Trying to Cope with Grief