Aspiring Hip Hop Artist Dame Dolla's Latest Creation 'Can't See Me' Creates a Rippling Effect in the Industry | aaaDaily Music Roll

Aspiring Hip Hop Artist Dame Dolla’s Latest Creation ‘Can’t See Me’ Creates a Rippling Effect in the Industry

Aspiring Hip Hop Artist Dame Dolla’s Latest Creation ‘Can’t See Me’ Creates a Rippling Effect in the Industry

4.8/5 by Daily Music Roll

The newest kid on the block, Dame Dolla plans to change the course of the contemporary hip hop scene with his genre-bending resonance in the track ‘Can’t See Me’.


Hip hop has always held a special place in my heart helping me through tough times. I am deeply impressed by the works of budding rapper Dame Dolla, who has been delivering quality hip-hop numbers for quite some time. His recently released single Can’t See Me’ featuring Clean awakens your senses with an electrifying vocal performance. It showcases a thoughtful weave of brilliant words that form a thought-provoking wordplay. The track inspires the listeners to combat every difficulty in life with confidence. I was taken aback by the witty resonance that shook me to the core.

Dame Dolla

The hard-working artist has entered the rap game at a very young age. He has developed an amazing talent for rhyming and songwriting very quickly. Dame Dolla’s newly released rap banger with fellow artist Clean, ‘Can’t See Me’ introduced me to an entirely new rhythmic riff. The pummeling melody offers a steady and progressive arrangement serving as the perfect backdrop for his breathtaking rhyming. I also ventured through and liked his previous compositions like ‘No asterisks’ featuring Chantal, ‘Magic City’ featuring Black Money, ‘Blue Flame’, ‘Onyx Atlanta’, and more. Plug into Spotify to listen to his music. Follow him on Instagram to stay updated with his upcoming works.

Listen to Dame Dolla’s Spotify track: