Cameron Seaton Debuting With the Track 'Hold a Feeling', the Rap/R&B Track Will Release on 23rd May | aaaDaily Music Roll

Cameron Seaton Debuting With the Track ‘Hold a Feeling’, the Rap/R&B Track Will Release on 23rd May

Cameron Seaton Debuting With the Track ‘Hold a Feeling’, the Rap/R&B Track Will Release on 23rd May

4.5/5 by Daily Music Roll

Cameron Seaton is launching his debut track on 23rd May, ‘Hold a Feeling’ is a perfect blend of exquisite narration with melodiously catchy tunes.

Cameron Seaton

This is the first time I have come across this generously well-crafted artist Cameron Seaton and listened to his track ‘Hold a Feeling’. And I cannot wait to watch the reaction that this song gathers when it releases worldwide on 23rd May at midnight on his twentieth birthday. The song has each element of music-making on point. The tunes are great, the verses are well-formed and well written and his voice is just ecstatic. The song is about his girlfriend leaving for college and he is distressed yet he is optimistic about this situation. The lyrics are relatable for anyone who is or has faced this sort of situation. The pathos is delivered generously and yet he is positive about the future and what it has to offer him.

Cameron Seaton

In 2014, Cameron Seaton was just a boy of eleven he started writing poetries. And soon enough he was presented with a guitar on his birthday, after this, he started writing songs prominently. At an age of fourteen, he started his music career professionally, writing songs and playing guitar in a band, mostly performing in the country genre. But in 2020 when the world faced the biggest crisis, he found his passion in the R&B and rapping genre. And this track ‘Hold a Feeling’ resides in the same genre, produced by Lucas McLaughlin aka LUCASQUINN. One of the most popular critics Anthony Fantano has delivered some generously positive remarks about his musical works with Quadec and he has also worked with Russ. Follow him on Spotify, Facebook, and Instagram.