Cassius Ferg's New Music Video 'I'm Gone Be Alright' is the Journal made with Half Starved and Happy Memories | aaaDaily Music Roll

Cassius Ferg’s New Music Video ‘I’m Gone Be Alright’ is the Journal made with Half Starved and Happy Memories

Cassius Ferg’s New Music Video ‘I’m Gone Be Alright’ is the Journal made with Half Starved and Happy Memories

4.5/5 by Daily Music Roll

Childhood memories are the best memories of a man’s life but the uprising Cincinnati rapper Cassius Ferg shows us the brutal reality of a poor and underdeveloped country where people are still living on other’s mercy. He releases the new music video titled I’m Gone Be Alright’ on August 14, 2020, on youtube and if you take a look at the video, it’s going to melt your heart. He takes the brave step to sing about all the good and bad parts of his life in one song and makes the video with the people who share the same difficulties that he grew up in. it is a motivating music video and I’ve found that it has brought him closer to the roots in every way.

Cassius Ferg

Cassius Ferg had a tough childhood and that he shares in his new music video ‘I’m Gone Be Alright’, with some powerful and nonstop verses that will keep you positive at the darkest hours. I can’t get over with the video where he records children playing football in one part with so many laughing faces, and suddenly I see people who are being rescued and died of starvation. He raps about how he used to be in the school days, and some caddish kids would give him a hard time by bullying him. But he was never scared to face them and he is not afraid of facing the harshness now as well. With such a beautiful heart and positive energy, the young rapper will go a long way in the industry. Follow him on Instagram to know about his upcoming releases.

To enjoy this music video ‘I’m Gone Be Alright’, check out the given below link :