Darren Michael Boyd explodes with energetic distortions in his latest 'Wonders Of the Invisible World' LP | aaaDaily Music Roll

Darren Michael Boyd explodes with energetic distortions in his latest ‘Wonders Of the Invisible World’ LP

Darren Michael Boyd explodes with energetic distortions in his latest ‘Wonders Of the Invisible World’ LP

4.7/5 by Daily Music Roll

Upcoming rock musician Darren Michael Boyd makes room for aggressive rock anthems with the presentation of “Wonders Of the Invisible World” LP that will chill your bones.

If you want to feel powerful and forget about the cacophony out in the world, Darren Michael Boyd brings the best medicine for you with his edgy rock compositions in Wonders Of the Invisible World” LP. It was released in October 2020, and it keeps its selling at its peak even at the end of December. It’s made often addictive and raw tracks, strong enough to fill you with invigorating pulses. It keeps you moving forward in life with a punch of true rock aggression. The subtle distortions and fast-paced rhythms in the first single taking the name of the LP is nothing but a heavy flow of high-octane spirit.

Darren Michael Boyd

Darren Michael Boyd is famous for his collaborations with Black Ju-Ju, Creeping Beauty, and Famous Underground. His intrinsic prowess of songwriting has helped his daughter Calico Cooper, and long time bassist Chuck Garric’s band Beasto Blanco to shine in the industry with terrific singles. “Wonders Of the Invisible World” is his latest project of 2020 with mind-boggling sounds titled ‘Earth Pads’ and ‘Making a Homunculus’. Without any major label, he is completely successful at injecting his personal details in the flames of the haunted hooks. Get all the elemental rock tracks from the LP on his website and every detail on Instagram.

Website link: https://www.darrenboyd.com/

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