Hip Hop Artist Bigg Dave Takes Away the Hearts of Hip Hop Lovers with the New Single 'Keep Goin' Ft Tree | aaaDaily Music Roll

Hip Hop Artist Bigg Dave Takes Away the Hearts of Hip Hop Lovers with the New Single ‘Keep Goin’ Ft Tree

Hip Hop Artist Bigg Dave Takes Away the Hearts of Hip Hop Lovers with the New Single ‘Keep Goin’ Ft Tree

4.7/5 by Daily Music Roll

The buzzing Texas hip hop artist BiGG Dave has started July with an impressive hip hop song release called ‘keep Goin’ that features another versatile artist, Tree. He narrates the bust-ups and friendships that made his struggles easier in the unique rap song with a slow and steady flow of rap. As a trap music lover, I was idyllic about the new song produced by Cool records and jumped right on SoundCloud to hear it on a loop. The song has a very rhythmic start that immediately calms your disoriented mind space and soon leads us to a parallel world of fantasies.

BiGG Dave

BiGG Dave, being a new face in the industry has already achieved some huge feats by creating a worldwide sensation with the big hit keep Goin’ Ft Tree. It is a beautiful blend of trap rap welded in a concrete story of his life from the start. It has captured his dearest emotions and shed some light on the dubious experiences. The overwhelming rap rants with the ultra-fine bassline creates a deep black hole where you can get lost from the pain and anger. I have found the style of his rhyming different from most of the upcoming rap stars. He deserves a big shout-out for singing about the heart-melting instances in his life without any hindrance.

Simply click & enjoy this track on SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/bigdave318/keep-goin-ft-tree