Hopi is Making a Buzz with his Original Compositions in Exotic Reggae & Dub Music | aaaDaily Music Roll

Hopi is Making a Buzz with his Original Compositions in Exotic Reggae & Dub Music

Hopi is Making a Buzz with his Original Compositions in Exotic Reggae & Dub Music

4.7/5 by Daily Music Roll

The sensational vocalist Hopi has released his debut album last year with a number of original compositions in the exotic melodious genre reggae, dub music on Spotify.

HopiHailing from Key West, Florida, the famous vocalist Hopi has some playful music under his belt at the beginning of 2020. The upcoming singer has made his first album ‘Melting’ and dropped it on Spotify a while ago. It was an album with twelve tracks incorporated with jazz and rhythm of blues.Potential‘Undertow’‘Relocation’  and Melting are the four most popular tracks of this album. I liked the frisky and energetic groovy rhythms in the leading track ‘Melting’It has a good combination of peppy jazz and melodious synthesizer along with other instrumental music that produced authentic reggae cadence.

Hopi’s dulcet vocal lights up the ambiance and turns it into a jazz fest into a few seconds. ‘Potential’ is one of my favorite tracks from the album which has the background music of the live orchestra, blissful melodious chords and the merry tunes of trumpets. Turner Harrison a.k.a Hopi is also the lead singer and composer from the band TiNG. ‘Melting’ is his solo project and his amazing vocals in the songs UndertowRelocation’ touched my soul with the deep groovy reggae funk, similar to Fat Freddy’s Drop and John Brown’s Body. He posts updates on Instagram, Facebook and also on  Spotify about his latest songs and his recent tour in Australia.

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