'If God Is For You Mastered' by Brian Mayes and Spanky Williams is a nostalgic gospel piece with a divine note | aaaDaily Music Roll

‘If God Is For You Mastered’ by Brian Mayes and Spanky Williams is a nostalgic gospel piece with a divine note

‘If God Is For You Mastered’ by Brian Mayes and Spanky Williams is a nostalgic gospel piece with a divine note

4.6/5 by Daily Music Roll

If God Is For You Mastered’ by Brian Mayes, featuring Spanky Williams is an incredibly melodic and lyrical piece molded in the resonance of traditional gospel.

Originated in the African-American churches in the late ‘80s, the genre of the gospel has always spoken to me with its roots in a rich tradition that goes beyond the spectrum of music. Determined to reawaken the magnificent melodic and spiritual aspect of the genre, well-seasoned gospel singer and songwriter Brian Mayes has teamed up with fellow musician Spanky Williams to create a remarkably holy rhythmic piece called ‘If God Is For You Mastered’. The lyrical illustration of the song is aimed at giving people the courage to be confident in life knowing that God will always be on their side no matter what. I was taken aback by his optimistic vibe that has successfully satisfied the global gospel community incorporated with his charismatic singing and the blissful melody.

Inspired by the divine sound of the traditional gospel, the Camden world music artist does not indulge in the temptation of the contemporary gospel that I think is polluted with diverse instrumental and acoustic elements from various genres. I find solace with the original and traditional form of the genre in Brian Mayes’s extraordinary project 18 Years featuring numerous gospel tracks with a nostalgic vibe. His newest creation ‘If God Is For You Mastered’ featuring Spanky Williams production house Dinard Publishing, is his finest work of art presenting all the elemental grandeur of the genre creating a symphony of pure perfection. Bask in his spiritual goodness and listen to his collection of divine melodies on the popular streaming platform SoundCloud.

Don’t forget to listen to this track on SoundCloud:
