JCosta represents the strange things happening in his life at a particular time with his new sound '6 Am' | aaaDaily Music Roll

JCosta represents the strange things happening in his life at a particular time with his new sound ‘6 Am’

JCosta represents the strange things happening in his life at a particular time with his new sound ‘6 Am’

4.6/5 by Daily Music Roll

U.S.A artist JCosta finds out interesting things related to his zodiac sign and puts them together to craft his latest enthralling music video titled ‘6 Am’.

We all are blessed under different zodiac signs but for JCosta, it isn’t the same. Some strange things are happening to him under his particular star sign and that has a major impact on his life. This completely unusual and intriguing concept pulled me right away to explore this rapper’s mysterious circle. His song titled ‘6 Am flowed with such interesting twists, I remained hooked till the very finish of it. This is one of the few songs that had my mind twisted in a good way and left me deciding whether it was his voice or the cinematography that evoked such curiosity. The melody in his voice matches the brilliant soundscape and the words are so well fitted to blend perfectly with the overall project.

His body language is steady and that smile was enough to put the video on repeat. JCosta performs with another fellow rapper but his genuinely original sound makes it impossible to take notice of any other element. Being completely swayed away with his musical prowess, I recommend this song ‘6 Am’ that has been built under the label JC to any person who finds interest in exploring the truth behind the zodiac signs. Try and unleash the hidden message which the song holds by watching it on YouTube now. Also, find out more updates about this intriguing personality on Facebook.