Let's Groove With the Latest Release Of Jack Rose 'Freak Ya' | aaaDaily Music Roll

Let’s Groove With the Latest Release Of Jack Rose ‘Freak Ya’

Let’s Groove With the Latest Release Of Jack Rose ‘Freak Ya’

4.5/5 by Daily Music Roll

Jack Rose – the 18-year-old singer and songwriter from the UK is creating a buzz all across the music industry. His unique collection is setting a new example for the upcoming musicians. Under the label name DeeVu he is making some fantastic hit tracks. One of the latest track ‘Freak Ya’ has created commotion amongst the mass. The beats, bassline, and keyboard synchronization together have given birth to a piece of soothing music. The subject matter of this song is very common yet interesting. Love is the primary emotion that we all look for and the artist in this track has focused on these particular feelings. He has further portrayed how breakup hurts a person.

Being a music enthusiast, I can say that ‘Freak Ya’ definitely has an emotive and honest nature of delivering lyrics that connects to the souls of millions. The song itself stands bold and delivers perfect rhythmic bass. This dedicated and hardworking singer thrives to perform at his best level. He has already gathered more than a million views to his tracks. This soft-rock will blow your mind with the raw and unedited expressions of intimate feelings. Jack Rose aka JCK is, therefore, setting flame on the stage. I’ll love to stay tuned to his next releases on spotify. This young songwriter is also available on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. Visit https://jackroseonline.co.uk/ to listen loud to his track!