Level of Professional Imbibed by Just Jon in the Track 'Walk Away' is Captivating to the Core | aaaDaily Music Roll

Level of Professional Imbibed by Just Jon in the Track ‘Walk Away’ is Captivating to the Core

Level of Professional Imbibed by Just Jon in the Track ‘Walk Away’ is Captivating to the Core

4.2/5 by Daily Music Roll

The genre of Tropical House is not as familiar as the rest of the popular genres like hip-hop, pop, RnB etc. However the popular artist Just Jon has lately captured my attention with his new launch Walk Away.  The track is quite different from my favourite genres however something about it made me stick till the very end and I was in a pleasant surprise. Looking at the artist I was waiting for the male vocals to kick start the track but instead was introduced with a passionate female voice bring the track to life. As the track ended the blending of the soundscape with the female vocals made absolute sense as both played an immense role in making this a hit worldwide.

With the help of his production house Gif Gif, Just Jon beings his fans out of this world creations. Just Jon who is also known as John Billingsley wants to make his mark in the music industry and for me; he did it with his ultimate creation ‘Walk Away’. The track though possessing a sombre theme of breaking up spreads a positive message in it. The artist motivates his listeners not to break away with a bad relationship but ask you’re the partners to leave if it is not benefiting anymore. The soundscape of the track is uplifting while the lyricism is melancholic. The beats and bass are in perfect synchronisation with each other. It is the professionality displayed by Just Jon that impressed me the most. You can now connect with this brilliant artist through his social media account on Instagram.

To listen this track please go this below link :
