Lil Wizrd has Set Up the Tone of Ultimate Swag with his Latest Release 'FOES' | aaaDaily Music Roll

Lil Wizrd has Set Up the Tone of Ultimate Swag with his Latest Release ‘FOES’

Lil Wizrd has Set Up the Tone of Ultimate Swag with his Latest Release ‘FOES’

4.6/5 by Daily Music Roll

Just when I was getting bored of listening to the same kind of rhythms and tracks, I came across this awesome track named FOES’ crafted by none other than the renowned star Lil Wizrd. His ability to going to and fro with vocal notes in this track struck my mind from the very first listen. And, since then it has been ruling my music playlist.

‘FOES’ has a swagger that is missing in most of the recent tracks and sets the artist apart from the crowd of musicians. Lil Wizrd has been doing it for years and in this track too he didn’t hesitate to experiment with the musicality. Just a single listen to the track was enough for me to become his fan.

Lil Wizrd

The instrumentation is apt and the backdrop has added to the intensity level of the entire arrangement. The beats fulfill the gaps intentionally left by the soundscape. At the halfway mark, the track takes a turn and makes the musical experience more captivating and interesting.

As a music enthusiast, I am quite impressed by the musical knowledge of this talented artist and would love to witness his live performance. The soundscape, backdrop, and the bars make the track qualified enough to reach the mark of four and a half stars on the rating meter.

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