Phily Skeamz Thrills the Audiences with His Fascinating New Tracks | aaaDaily Music Roll

Phily Skeamz Thrills the Audiences with His Fascinating New Tracks

Phily Skeamz Thrills the Audiences with His Fascinating New Tracks

4.8/5 by Daily Music Roll

A versatile artist, armed up with talents of singing, songwriting, and producing – it was quite expected from Phily Skeamz to come up with something more fascinating than his previous releases. And, it would be needless to mention that he has disappointed neither his fans nor me with the release of ‘Lucid Nightmarez’. Consisting of two brilliantly crafted and produced tracks, this collection is truly the epitome of musicianship. The subject matters of both the tracks are pretty relatable, helping in connecting to the skin of the audiences. Big Dripp reflects the concept of being self-confident, projecting the intentions of the artist in a musically greater way. The presentation of the lyricism through the enchanting sound design of this track has stolen the show here.

Phily Skeamz

On the other hand, the track Fairy Talez’ mentions the fact that there are haters around everyone and one must deal with this negativity with a positive mindset. The concept is brighter here, capturing human emotions perfectly. Phily Skeamz has done a tremendous job here and one just cannot ask for more from him. Be it the soundscape, the lyricism, or the backdrop – everything has been designed with the utmost attention. I was certainly amazed and looking forward to witnessing more from him.

Phily Skeamz’s hip hop kinds of music hit on Spotify: