'Phire Esho' By Ketan Sheikh Creates A Sensation among both Bengali and Non-Bengali Music-Lovers Globally | aaaDaily Music Roll

‘Phire Esho’ By Ketan Sheikh Creates A Sensation among both Bengali and Non-Bengali Music-Lovers Globally

‘Phire Esho’ By Ketan Sheikh Creates A Sensation among both Bengali and Non-Bengali Music-Lovers Globally

4/5 by Daily Music Roll      

Bengali pop musician Ketan Sheikh reintroduces the world with his unique and nostalgic melody incorporated with his blissful singing in the MV ‘Phire Esho’.

Bengali music has such a distinct beauty to it that cannot be replicated or imitated. There is a certain sweetness to the language and the songs’ rhythm that impresses me beyond music. I have been an avid listener of popular Bengali singer and songwriter Ketan Sheikh. He has given numerous hit songs that resonated with me impeccably. His recent release ‘Phire Esho’ is an outstanding piece of magnificent instrumentation and sublime lyrical illustrations. I was deeply moved by the soulful singing and his genuine presentation of the heart-rending libretto. The music video is another aspect that drew me to the single. It expresses the true beauty of the song through its artistic visual presentation.

Ketan Sheikh

Hailing from Dubai, Ketan Sheikh originally is from Bangladesh. He had been part of different bands in Bangladesh, India, and the UK. He has been trained in classical music and different instruments native to South Asian countries. I was glad to see his new music video Phire Esho’ featuring a blend of diverse musical and instrumental elements and styles. The song flawlessly depicts a relatable picture of love and heart-break through heartfelt rhythms and penetrating lyrical wordplay. Follow him on YouTube, FacebookInstagram, and Twitter for more information.

Watch here ‘Phire Esho’ by Ketan Sheikh:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mAJ3zsPdaXs