Psychosexual Has Turned Up the Heat with the Release of ‘Baby on Fire’ – aaaDaily Music Roll

Psychosexual Has Turned Up the Heat with the Release of ‘Baby on Fire’

Psychosexual Has Turned Up the Heat with the Release of ‘Baby on Fire’

4.7/5 by Daily Music Roll

The heavy rock premise of the track ‘Baby on Firehas put the stage on fire; blending distortion and strength, rhythm and artistic prowess, intense and passionate melody, in a captivating way, the group of Psychosexual has presented musical magnificence in a much greater way. The vibrant mood-setting ambiance of this track has been designed with fascinating musical brilliance, which is simply breathtaking. Made up of celebrated and talented music artists like Crucifier (Guitar), Astaroth (Bass), Volac (Drum), and Jeremy Spencer’s alter-ego, Devil Daddy as the front-man, the group has charged up the ambiance with this track. Be it the introductory moments or the climax, each fragment feels complete and kept me engaged.


The guitars and drums on this track are refreshing, often shifting towards blues, yet sticking to the base of the genre. On top of all of this, the vocal line turns out to be the most addictive element – unfiltered and raw. The entire arrangement of ‘Baby on Fire’ is u predictable and intense, showcasing the true characteristics of the genre. The bass line in particular has intensified the presentation, which impressed the most. Psychosexual have always amazed me with their work and this track is also no different; expecting to witness more such tracks from them.

Psychosexual’s ‘Baby on Fire’ is out now on Spotify: