Rap Verses in Aspiring Artist Dubb Saq's Tracks are Superb | aaaDaily Music Roll

Rap Verses in Aspiring Artist Dubb Saq’s Tracks are Superb

Rap Verses in Aspiring Artist Dubb Saq’s Tracks are Superb

4.3/5 by Daily Music Roll

Dubb Saq

I loved the beats used by Dubb Saq’s in his hip-hop tracks. The rap verses in the track are amazing which kept me captivated from the start till the end. In his track ‘No Limitz’ there is mellow beats and thoughtful lyrics. The vocal tone and style draw the attention of the listeners. The whole track is well structured and there is the presence of mellow pace. The lines in the track fill the space and create a dream-like ambiance. The words that he used in the track ‘Why?’ keep on lingering in my mind after listening to it once.

The soundscape in Dubb Saq’s track ‘c l o s u r e (with Clint Herriges)’ is perfectly crafted for which his tracks stand out among all. The gentle rhythm and the uplifting beats in the track make it captivating. The whole thing in the track ‘Zonin’’ follows on well in term of pace and the general aura. Lyrically the track is quite impressive and the ending is quite colorful. Rhythmically addictive verses create a great impact on us. You can listen to some of his other tracks by tuning to the music streaming site Spotify. For more updates about his upcoming events, you need to follow him on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

To enjoy these tracks click the given below links :

No Limitz : https://open.spotify.com/track/0ukCTofnqr8YPvHdayobSH

Why? : https://open.spotify.com/track/6FM5NUobjFjS5p0qM1DlpZ

c l o s o r e (with Clint Herriges) : https://open.spotify.com/track/03UwyffjYUUHyTIU1zZ2Zq

Zonin’ : https://open.spotify.com/track/6buIzbEgw9UIsJRgkvPgM8

For more info. check out the following social sites : 

Twitter : https://twitter.com/DubbSaq414

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/dubbsaq

Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/dubbsaq