Rich Debiase Spoils The Fans With His Outstanding Rapping Performance In His Latest Single 'I DO NOT PLAY' | aaaDaily Music Roll

Rich Debiase Spoils The Fans With His Outstanding Rapping Performance In His Latest Single ‘I DO NOT PLAY’

Rich Debiase Spoils The Fans With His Outstanding Rapping Performance In His Latest Single ‘I DO NOT PLAY’

4.7/5 by Daily Music Roll

‘I DO NOT PLAY’ by vocally gifted Miami Beach rapper Rich Debiase showcase his individual style through its dynamic rhythm and refreshing verbal imageries.


Amid a countless number of musicians popping up every day in all the genres, it’s hard to find quality music these days. So imagine my excitement when I came across the gem of a rapper Rich Debiase and his vast collection of brilliant compositions. The third masterpiece from his upcoming album Rich Report, I DO NOT PLAY’ cast a thematic spell over my heart with its extraordinary rhyming pattern reminding me of the works of the elites in the hip hop industry. The rich and exotic instrumentation fires up the power-packed verse delivery optimizing his unparalleled artistry. Organizing the chords in perfect harmony, the brilliant Miami Beach rapper manages to produce a symphony of absolute sonic pleasure.

I was ecstatic to know that Rich Debiase is planning to drop back to back singles all summer leading up to the release of the album working under Stay Focused Empire Label. The latest number ‘I DO NOT PLAY’ has already earned him global recognition and popularity introducing the fans with a fresher and innovative approach. What I found most impressive was his steady rap techniques merging smoothly with the hard-hitting groove of the track. Craving for more I listened to his other rhythmical masterpieces such as ‘Neva Die’ featuring smokinjayy, ‘BANDS OVA NIGHT’, and ‘Respect’. To bask in his thematic collection visit his website and follow him on SoundCloud, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook.