Susana Esono has painted her vivid emotions in her debut EP "My Baby" | aaaDaily Music Roll

Susana Esono has painted her vivid emotions in her debut EP “My Baby”

Susana Esono has painted her vivid emotions in her debut EP “My Baby”

4.7/5 by Daily Music Roll

The Guinea-braised lady Susana Esono unfolds her rare talent of songwriting and eternal singing little by little in the debut EP “My Baby” with five songs.

With an unexpected caliber in singing, the upcoming singer Susana Esono from the far off land of Equatorial Guinea, lands on her dream destination America to strike a chord with the widespread fans of Pop and R&B music with her debut EP My Baby”. It has been a special project for her as she tapped herself into some unexpected twist of rhythms of blues, neo-soul, and pop to make phenomenal compositions and tried to portray her innocent and earnest yearnings for the first time. The whole EP with 5 tracks are available on the official website, Spotify, and other streaming websites.

Susana Esono has moved to the United States to build a concrete psychological bonding with the urban music listeners after overcoming a grave loss in this lifetime, saying goodbye to her brother. That incident broke her down and only music was her therapy to escape the daunting reality of emptiness and yearnings. Her first EP “My Baby” paints her innocence in the most natural way with the leading track ‘My Baby’. Another leading track ‘Work From Home’ is sung in her fascinating voice with light grooves of R&B tempo that tells her story of longing for home. ‘Wanna’ is the major highlight of the project that can make her pivotal in the business for a long time.

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