'TwentyTwenty – Moondog' by Micodin is a refreshing portrayal of modern-day musicality | aaaDaily Music Roll

‘TwentyTwenty – Moondog’ by Micodin is a refreshing portrayal of modern-day musicality

‘TwentyTwenty – Moondog’ by Micodin is a refreshing portrayal of modern-day musicality

4.8/5 by Daily Music Roll

The brand new YouTube release of Micodin is a project that is filled with entertaining notes and vibes. ‘TwentyTwenty–Moondog’ is a fun-filled musical journey.

Bringing together a dreamlike presentation of the riffs with entertaining and stylishly engaging beats, and a vocal line that has the strength of reigniting the intensity and passion of the genre, ‘TwentyTwenty – Moondog’ is a fun-filled two-minute fifty-second track that I thoroughly enjoyed. Despite the mellow structure, the powerful nature of the track cannot be taken away from it. The mighty sense of identity and groovy bars fill the ambiance with moments of greatness. The track features a unique up-front and refreshing performance from Micodin that acts as the main attracting factor or the core of the entire arrangement. This track has reflected his personality and style of performance boldly.


The premise of the track is rhythmically engaging and designed with a varying array of beats that meander through the scene-setting visuals, reflecting a fine arrangement of the used elements. Some of the moments hit the scene with hard and everlasting impact, following a simple pattern introduced at the start of the progression. ‘TwentyTwenty – Moondog’ is a mood refreshing track for me, as whenever I see the video on YouTube, I feel the enthusiasm of the creator and the brightness of the entire project. This project from Micodin is an overwhelming portrayal of the rap ingredients that deserves all the praise.

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