Classic pop vibes with a highly motivated song 'Cancer You're No Friend of Mine' is a nice production from Lamont Jackson | aaaDaily Music Roll

Classic pop vibes with a highly motivated song ‘Cancer You’re No Friend of Mine’ is a nice production from Lamont Jackson

Pop is the most popular and desired musical genre all over global and it is originated during the mid of 1950 in the US and the UK. Moreover, people are alternatively using the terms popular music and pop music but pop music has some different features and characteristics. Many artists from all over the globe have contributed to the pop song genre and provided an ecstatic enjoyment to the music listeners. However, from the year 1950, the pop song has changed a lot and nowadays many artists used hip-hop and rap with pop songs for designing nice productions for music enthusiasts.


An emerging and creative pop song artist Lamont Jackson is producing some inspiring, motivating, and romantic songs for song lovers. Through the pop music arrangement, he tries to grab the attention and affection of the music enthusiasts. The artist is a self-dependent and independent artist who tries to implement his own color within his music. Therefore, after listening to his songs you can feel a different pop song vibe from the other contemporary pop songs. Furthermore, the artist has a nice vocal texture with nicely crafted music progressions. If you check his pop songs on his YouTube channel, you will understand that he records his songs in a room but the productions are nice to hear.

Lamont Jackson

Musical Contribution

The passion of the music of Lamont Jackson has enabled him to produce many pop songs for his rising and potential listeners. In each song, the artist has mixed his music cleanly with a confident vocal effect. Therefore, the fine use of lyrical outpouring has made the artist an organic musician with a melodic flavor and nature. Some of the pop songs of this artist are ‘Sitting on the Dock Of The Bay’, ‘I Can’t Help Falling In Love With You’, and ‘Let’s Go Chiefs!’.

Latest Track

The latest track of this artist is Cancer You’re No Friend of Mine’ is a highly motivated and inspiring song for cancer survivors. Therefore, the artist produced thi8s video and wrote the lyrics in the memory of the persons who lost as well as in the honor of those patients who have fought the battle and won. This power-packed music with strong vocals and nice musical jamming could mesmerize you. The artist believes that music can only connect with the people so he produced ‘Cancer You’re No Friend of Mine’ and spread a strong motivational vibe to the cancer fighters all over the globe.

Watch the music video on YouTube: