'Some Kind of Wonderful' by Radio 45 Shares Optimism Through the Lyrically Rich Rock Music | aaaDaily Music Roll

‘Some Kind of Wonderful’ by Radio 45 Shares Optimism Through the Lyrically Rich Rock Music

Radio 45 is impeccably brilliant in the music video ‘Some Kind of Wonderful’. The song makes the listeners optimistic about life. It is available on Vimeo.

Radio 45 hits with a song that bears the essence of life: life, love, and companionship. As demonstrated in the 3 minutes 20 seconds music video, the song, Some Kind of Wonderful’, captures the lofty theme effectively. The grey effect in the videography makes the song more impactful and enhanced the central theme of the song. The band has left no stone unturned to make the song life-centric. The musicians have put their utmost best into the song to make it charming and enthusiastic. The background music is purely organic and is able to create a rock n roll arena for the music lovers. The video is the defining feature of the song. It enhances the creative expressiveness of the song and hits your mind with utmost efficiency.

Radio 45

Some Kind of Wonderful has pure an organic rhythm that delves into romanticism and expresses the deepest feelings through the lyrics. The lyrical beauty has magnified the effectiveness and given the song shape that has been loved by the listeners. The vocalist has sung the song in a subtle manner. The song makes you feel happy and make you optimistic. It reduces the worries and makes you dance to its rhythm. The attentively you listen to it, the deeper you feel it. While singing about love and life, the song has maintained the use of rock elements in the song. So, check the song out on Vimeo. To know more about the promising rock band, Radio 45, follow them on Facebook and their official website.

Song Link: 
